March 14, 2025
How Eggcelent: Simple Easter Egg Cake Pops!

How Eggcelent: Simple Easter Egg Cake Pops!

Easter is just around the corner, guys.

And for those of you who do not have time to create beautiful masterpieces of dessert I have something oh so easy for you:
Simple Easter Egg Cake Pops

They can be made by anyone, no difficult decorating steps necessary. But: they still look cute.

Let’s do it.

  • Prep Time 20 minutes
  • Baking Time 20 minutes in refrigerator
  • Difficulty Easy

For the Cake Pops:

  • Please prepare your cake pops as you normally do or use the ingredients and follow these instructions for the OREO kind:
  • 1 package OREO cookies or for Europeans: 3 and a half packages a 176g
  • 1 8oz. package cream cheese (I use 176g packages, 6.2 ounces)
  • Lollipop Sticks
  • candy melts (color of your choice)
  • Sugar Heart Sprinkles or any other sprinkles of your choice for decorating
  • Sugar Icing Flowers for decorating (or make your own fondant/gumpaste flowers)
  • Parchment paper (for cake pops to dry)
  • toothpicks
  • tweezers

Additional Items you may want to get, makes a nice gift:

  • Now we are all set and ready to get started: Prepare yourself before you actually start.
    Get everything out on the counter you need, so you do not stress yourself in the middle of the decorating process.
  • 1. Now, make the NO BAKE Cake Pops: Grind your OREO cookies to fine crumbs in a Food Processor
  • 2. Put the crumbmix into a boal and hand mix with cream cheese. I use gloves though, because it gets messy. Especially when you have longer nails. So just use gloves, or when you have kids, I am sure they would love to help you with this step.
  • 3. Keep in mind that the dough should have the consistency of play-dough.
  • 4. Roll the dough into egg shapes, then refrigerate them for at least 10 minutes to firm up.
  • 5. Now melt your candy melts (color of your choice, pastel colors are perfect for Easter). If your candy melts are too thick, just a little bit of vegetable oil to it – please read my Troubleshooting Guide for Cake Pops in case you need more help.
  • 6. Dip a little bit of the Lollipop Stick into the melted candy, then stick the Lollipop Stick in the Cake Pop’s top (half way).
    Let the Pops rest a bit on a sheet of parchment paper so the candy melts set within the cake pop.
  • 7. Now dip the Cake Pop in the candy melts, shake off all the excess and then place the cake pop on your sheet of parchment paper to dry. Repeat with all cake pops.
  • 8. Now it is time to decorate your Easter Cake Pops. Attach small hearts and flowers using tweezers to your cake pop, use candy melts as glue. Repeat this step with all of your cake pops. You can take any sprinkles etc. to decorate your very own personal Easter Cake Pops.
  • 9. When you are done decorating and when cake pops are dry, you can place them in tiny buckets (you can get them at craft stores) filled with regular sugar. That gives them a cute look on your Easter Table.

And there you go – A very very simple way to create Easter Egg Cake Pops for you and your family’s Easter Brunch.

Have fun making these.

Many blessings and until next time,

About niner bakes

Hi I'm niner - I blog about cake pops, cupcakes & super healthy things: green smoothies, matcha, super foods & more! Welcome to my blog, I am thrilled you're here :)


  1. They are so pretty, Niner! I love your design – shapes, colors, symmetry. It really works! Your work has been reblogged at my site – as always. :)


  2. Hallo Nina,

    Du hast einen wundervollen Blog und so viele kreative Ideen. Ich schaue fast jeden Tag hier rein. Die Ostereier Cakepops sind schon mal fest vorgemerkt für die Ostertafel :-)

    Liebste Grüße von Mareike

  3. Hi Niner! These are so pretty! I love them all!! xoxo

  4. Hallo Nina, ich bin ja auch mittlerweile ein großer Fan Deiner Seite :)
    Meine Kids haben schon grün, pink, blau und gelb als Ostereierfarben fü die Cakepops angemeldet. Werden gleich bestellt!
    Ene Frage zu den Lollipop Stielen habe ich allerdings noch. Nutzt du generell 10 cm lange Stiele? Bisher habe ich mir Holz-Schaschlikspiesse einfach auf die gewünschte Länge zurecht gekürzt, 10 cm finde ich manchmal etwas kurz …
    Viele Grüße

    • Liebe Karen, ich danke Dir =)
      Ich benutze vorzugsweise immer Lollipopstiele in den Größen 15cm oder 20cm.
      Sieht einfach schöner aus.
      Bin auf deine Kunstwerke zu ostern gespannt, kannst du gern auf meiner FB posten.
      Alles Liebe,

  5. Hi niner,
    your ideas are simply amazing!! i’m almost a little sad that i’ve discovered your blog just now :D
    this is kinda off topic, i hope you don’t mind me asking, but what kind of lens are you using to take your pictures?
    cheers, and happy easter!

    • Carina, thank you girl!
      I won’t stop blogging so it’s okay you just found me =)
      The DSLR I use is a Canon EOS 450D.
      Thanks for stopping by and Happy Easter to you as well!

  6. Hallo niner,
    die sind ja wieder sooo süß ! Ich habe gerade meine ersten Oreo-Cake Pops im Kühlschranke und bin sehr gespannt, wie sie am Ende werden. An solch schöne Eierformen habe ich allerdings nicht gedacht…na vielleicht beim nächsten Mal.
    Freue mich jedes Mal wieder über deine schönen Beiträge und vor allem die tollen Fotos. Deine Seite macht sehr viel Spaß ! Vielen Dank, dass du all das mit uns teilst.
    Liebe Grüße,

    • Hi Petra, ach wie schön, dass du die Cake Pops ausprobiert hast. Hoffe du mochtest sie.
      Freue mich immer wieder, dich hier zu sehen. Danke für die Komplimente, das macht mich sehr glücklich!
      Alles Liebe,

  7. Hilfeeee , ich suche ein Rezept für die Schmetterlinge. Es war etwas mit Quark. Ich kann es nicht finden :-((

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