March 13, 2025
Christmas Cake Pops Tutorial: How to make Holly Leaf Cake Pops

Christmas Cake Pops Tutorial: How to make Holly Leaf Cake Pops

Hi there everyone, I hope you are all done with your christmas shopping? I can imagine the look on your face now: “Ohmy NO I am not done at all” That’s fine, me either, but almost!

In a previous post I promised to post a little tutorial on how to make Holly Leaf Cake Pops, so here we go!

It is so easy to make, especially for beginners and the outcome is so cute. The sparkly sanding sugar, the snow drip on top, people just love it.

Please read on to see more photos and to get the recipe.

  • Prep Time 20 minutes
  • Baking Time 20 minutes in refrigerator
  • Difficulty Easy

For the Holly Leaf Cake Pops:

Additional Items you may want to get, makes a nice gift:

    • Now we are all set and ready to go: Prepare yourself before you actually start. Get everything out on the counter you need, so you do not stress yourself in the middle of the decorating process :-)
    • 1. Now, make the NO BAKE Cake Pops: Grind your OREO cookies to fine crumbs in a Food Processor
    • 2. Put the crumbmix into a boal and hand mix with cream cheese. I use gloves though, because it gets messy :-) Especially when you have longer nails, it takes a while to be “oreo/creamcheese-free” again. So just use gloves, or when you have kids, I am sure they would love to help you with this step :-)
    • 3. Keep in mind that the dough should have the consistency of play-dough.
    • 4. Roll the dough into balls, then refrigerate them for at least 10 minutes to firm up.
    • 5. Now melt your red Candy Melts.
    • 6. Dip a little bit of the Lollipop Stick in the melted candy, then stick the Lollipop Stick in the Cake Pop (half way). Let the Pops rest a bit in a styrofoam block or cake dummy so the candy melts set within the cake pop.

    • 7. Please keep in mind that those cake pops in the photo above are no oreo ones, the vanilla cake was mixed with raspberry frosting = not coated yet!
    • 8. Now dip the Cake Pop in the red Candy Melts and immediately after that, coat it completely (ignore the top since you coat it with white candy melts anyway) with red sanding sugar (I put gloves on) – repeat with all cake pops and let dry in styrofoam block.

I hope you like the outcome. Red and white, the perfect match for christmas! Oh and for Valentines Day, and Mother’s Day..haha

Well, any color works!

About niner bakes

Hi I'm niner - I blog about cake pops, cupcakes & super healthy things: green smoothies, matcha, super foods & more! Welcome to my blog, I am thrilled you're here :)


  1. Absolutely brilliant, I have never see a paper strawer as the stick!!! Did you get it this red just from the raspberry puree? They look amazing!

    • Hi Dani, thank you, so lovely you stopped by! I love those straws, but they are not as stable so you have to be careful a little =)
      I used the puree only for the crumbs but the frosting I mixed the crumbs with was half puree/half food coloring so altogether it looked really red.
      Which I love =)

  2. I adore these!!! The contrast in colors and the paper straws give them such a beautiful finished look! Thank you for sharing :)


    • Hi there Jodi, thanks so much, thats so awesome you appreciate what I do!
      Wishing you lots of success with your cake pops, remember, practice is the key, unless you are a talent of nature, then it should be no problem =)
      Many blessings and merry christmas!

  4. Hallo Niner,
    Was ist denn mit Papierstrohhalm gemeint? Sind das die ganz normalen Plastikstrohhalme die es in jedem Supermarkt gibt? Falls nein… Kann ich die aus Plastik anstelle von Lollipopstielen auch nehmen?
    LG Petra

    • Liebe Petra,
      klick mal hier. Solche Strohhalme sind gemeint.
      Normale Plastikhalme habe ich noch nie ausprobiert, könnte mir aber vorstellen, dass sie zu rutschig sind.
      Alles Liebe,

  5. hey niner :)
    ich liebe deine seite! darf ich dir ein paar fragen stellen?
    Ich wollte heute auch cakepops machen, aber sie sind ziemlich doof geworden.
    Ich habe sie nämlich mit kuvertüre gmacht, welche zu dünn war. Sie ist glei in den Pop eingezogen und dann is sie auch nicht trocken geworden :(
    Hast du es schonmal mit kuvertüre versucht?
    wenn ja, hast du fett reingetan/wie viel?
    LG Laura

  6. Hi from Norway.
    These look absolutely amazing!
    Have to make them for Christmas this year!!!

  7. Hilfe! Hallo liebe Niner. Ich verstehe nicht, wie man diese weiße Schneehaube auf den roten Pop bekommt? :(

  8. Wow, die Seite ist wirklich toll!!
    Jetzt musst du mir nur verraten woher du die kleinen Beeren und Blätter hast:-)!
    Danke, danke

  9. Can I use plastic drinking straws to hold the cake pops?

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