March 29, 2025
Cute Owl Cake Pops

Cute Owl Cake Pops

Yesterday was my friend’s birthday and she absolutely adores owls.
Not just her, her whole family is obsessed with them, it is so fun!
So it was pretty obvious what I was doing for her birthday:
Owl Cake Pops!

Besides Owl Cake Pops and other things, she got this cute smartphone case with the cutest owl pattern ever. I bought it at DaWanda.

We had a blast!
We all surprised her last night at a mexican restaurant; she thought she was with her friend Maren only, then saw us sitting there on a huge table, with many candles and gifts – she was so surprised and happy!

Unfortunately I did not make a tutorial on how to make these cute owlies, but let me know in the comment section, if you guys are interested in a tutorial?
If you want to try yourself and never made cake pops before, please get the recipe for making my favourite cake pops: the Oreo Version.

Please read on to see more photos of my Owl Cake Pops :-)

I had SO much fun making these.

Wishing everyone a great day!


About niner bakes

Hi I'm niner - I blog about cake pops, cupcakes & super healthy things: green smoothies, matcha, super foods & more! Welcome to my blog, I am thrilled you're here :)


  1. Hi! I am interesting in those super cute owls cake pops because my baby is turning 1 and the theme is about owl, i want to now if you made for sale or only for tutorial? I never before try make any cake pops but i can learn

  2. These are super duper cute!! I’m a fan of owls too, but even if I wasn’t these would be still top of my list of ‘the most adorable cake pops I’ve seen’!
    Nice to see you back blogging, Niner! xo

  3. These are so so so cute! I love them and their faces are so fun!

  4. They are so cute, Niner. I’d been posting loads of summery cake pops recently, so selected these as a ‘dark tonic’! I am kinda relieved you didn’t provide a recipe – they must have taken some effort! ;)

    • Hi there Katherine,
      I was going to post a recipe but I was busy at the moment. I am sure I will write one sooner or later though =)
      Cool to see them on your site as well, miss.

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