March 14, 2025
Valentine’s Day Special: My Cake Pops & Cupcakes on German TV show

Valentine’s Day Special: My Cake Pops & Cupcakes on German TV show

My year 2012 started off quite well when it comes to orders for my Cake Pops and Cupcakes. It’s been amazing really, all the feedback I get is just breath-taking and it makes me speechless from time to time.

So in January I sit on my desk at work, I suddenly receive a phonecall from a local TV show over here in Germany! It is broadcasted in northern Germany, so I was thrilled, obviously! They have been looking for someone from Hannover who makes Cake Pops and through a very well known search engine, they found me and contacted me. I was overwhelmed…ME ON TV? Ohmygoodness…

The week before the shoot I had so many things to do – my interview was all about Cake Pops for Valentine’s Day and how that is different from buying sweets from the supermarket. So I had to prepare lots of Cake Pops, most of them Valentine’s Day themed, but also various ones for any kind of occasion: Easter, Christmas etc. I crafted a Cake Pop Tower as well to make it look really great for TV :-)
I chose to bake these awesome Cupcakes as well, with cute cupcake toppers I designed. I posted them in my previous blogpost if you want to have a look.

All week I have been preparing for the TV shoot which was Friday before Valentine’s Day. We shot for about 5 hours straight, and the outcome was a cute report that was about 3 minutes long. When you actually DO stuff like that, you seriously acknowledge the work of so many bloggers all around the world who make video tutorials. It takes up so much time to come up with something that is 3-5 mins long. I definitely appreciate all the people who put so much effort in these videos. I would love to make some videos in the future, shooting was fun, but I was nervous first and foremost :-)

If I had to do it again I would be definitely more relaxed. It was a great experience, and the tv crew was just incredible! Super nice and helpful throughout the whole day.
It was funny because they sort of had to wait a couple hours until they could try some of my sweets – they were literally dying – they haven’t had Cake Pops before…and luckily loved them when they were finally allowed to try some, after the shoot was over.

me and the wonderful tv crew

We shot most of it in my kitchen. I showed them how to make Oreo filled Cake Pops but also prepared some original Cake Pops, vanilla flavored and some were tinted with red food coloring – that totally fit the theme of Valentine’s Day.
I was referring to wonderful Angie Dudley, better known as Bakerella (the host of the show also took my “Cake Pops” book in the beginning to introduce the report) who is the only reason why these TV people even called me.

Without Bakerella, there wouldn’t be no Cake Pops, and I wouldn’t have a business selling Cake Pops all over Germany. Unfortunately they did not show the part where I mention her – I talked so much during the interview but only little of it was broadcasted. But this blogpost is my dedication to Bakerella. Everyone who runs a business with Cake Pops should be so greatful that she had the idea to make these a couple of years back. Thanks, Angie! This one is for you:

Read on to see the video and more photos..

After the shoot at my place was over, the TV crew and I went downtown Hannover to ask some folks what they thought of the idea to give Cake Pops to their loved ones on Valentine’s Day (instead of typical gifts such as roses or sweets from the supermarket).

One woman (you can see in the video) was so surprised when she bite into the Cake Pop and saw the red cake inside…it was so cool to see people’s reactions – all of them were positive, all of them loved my Cake Pops. It truly made me feel like: Having a Cake Pop shop around here, wouldn’t be such a bad idea :-)

I now want to share some of the photos we have taken throughout the day. And of course of my Valentine’s Day themed Cake Pops and Cupcakes (I forgot to mention I also made cake bites).

Watch the video HERE.

Unfortunately it is in German and I am not allowed to reproduce the video (adding subtitles etc.). But I hope you get the idea of it if you don’t speak German.

As you can see I prepared all kinds of Cake Pops:
Snowmen, Easter Eggs, Hearts, Drippy ones, Stars, Cupcake Pops…

And some Cuppies in between :-)

It has been a pleasure to be part of this tv report. I hope you guys enjoyed my blogpost and I hope you all had, a little belated due to the storm of people contacting me, a happy Valentine’s Day.

That’s a graphic I made, I think the quote fits perfectly :-)


About niner bakes

Hi I'm niner - I blog about cake pops, cupcakes & super healthy things: green smoothies, matcha, super foods & more! Welcome to my blog, I am thrilled you're here :)


  1. Congratulations!!!!!!!!!!!! It must be wonderful!! But it’s not rare with your beautiful cakepops, and all the party stuff on your photos!!

    I’m learning german, but, yeah, I don’t understand a word!!! Zu schnell!!
    In despite of this, I’m happy to see you on TV, and giving you a voice ;) Nice video!!

    Un beso!!

    • Paula, you are such a sweetheart, really. Thank you SO much for your comment. So nice you actually learn German..Ich hoffe, das Du es schnell lernen kannst :-) It’s a tough language, so take your time =) I was real happy to get such a quick response from you, you are so kind.
      Wish you a great evening.. niner :-)
      ps. I was too nervous to actually smile more…lol…usually I am not THAT serious haha…

  2. Congratulations!!!!!!!!!!!! It must be wonderful!! But it’s not rare with your beautiful cakepops, and all the party stuff on your photos!!

    I’m learning german, but, yeah, I don’t understand a word!!! Zu schnell!!
    In despite of this, I’m happy to see you on TV, and giving you a voice ;) Nice video!!

    Un beso!!

    • Paula, you are such a sweetheart, really. Thank you SO much for your comment. So nice you actually learn German..Ich hoffe, das Du es schnell lernen kannst :-) It’s a tough language, so take your time =) I was real happy to get such a quick response from you, you are so kind.
      Wish you a great evening.. niner :-)
      ps. I was too nervous to actually smile more…lol…usually I am not THAT serious haha…

  3. Hi Niner

    Thank you! And your pops are adorable.

    Congratulations on the TV segment. I love that they are becoming popular in Germany.

    • Hi Angie, thank you so much for stopping by. Your idea is international now – definitely something to be proud of :-)
      Many blessings and thank you for your comment,
      niner :-)

  4. Hi Niner

    Thank you! And your pops are adorable.

    Congratulations on the TV segment. I love that they are becoming popular in Germany.

    • Hi Angie, thank you so much for stopping by. Your idea is international now – definitely something to be proud of :-)
      Many blessings and thank you for your comment,
      niner :-)

  5. Niner! I’m so happy for you!!!!!
    Congratulations on the TV segment and all the fun that came with this! Your cake pops look amazing and you deserve all the attention and sales you’re getting! I’m so glad Angie started you on this path, you both are such talented bakers! xoxo

    • Marian, thanks so much!!To hear that from you is just amazing. So glad you like what I do.
      I am so greatful, thanks. Same goes out to you though. But you know that ;-)
      MUCH love to you, xoxo…niner

  6. Niner! I’m so happy for you!!!!!
    Congratulations on the TV segment and all the fun that came with this! Your cake pops look amazing and you deserve all the attention and sales you’re getting! I’m so glad Angie started you on this path, you both are such talented bakers! xoxo

    • Marian, thanks so much!!To hear that from you is just amazing. So glad you like what I do.
      I am so greatful, thanks. Same goes out to you though. But you know that ;-)
      MUCH love to you, xoxo…niner

  7. So beautiful!! I like your work very much! Thanks for sharing your creations.

  8. So beautiful!! I like your work very much! Thanks for sharing your creations.

  9. Dear niner,

    I was so much looking forward to seeing you on TV — I spent last year starting to learn German, including two weeks at an intensive course in München — but guess what?

    “Cake Pops: Kuchen am Stiel …”
    This video is no longer available due to a copyright claim by Sat.1 Norddeutschland GmbH.

    Maybe it’s available on their site?

    In any case, it’s recognition you richly deserve. Your work is amazing, and your photographs are superb!

  10. Hallöchen deine Cupcakes sehen köstlich aus :)
    Wie hast du di so rot gekriegt?
    LG Anna :)

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