March 12, 2025
Mexican “Piñata” themed…Chocolate Cupcakes!

Mexican “Piñata” themed…Chocolate Cupcakes!

Wishing you all a nice and cozy Sunday!!

What is better than staying at home when it is rainy outside? Having something yummy to eat while surfing on the net for many many great sweet treats :-)
That’s how I love to spend my Sundays when there is nothing else to do. And I like to kind of prepare for the upcoming Monday, letting my soul getting ready for the week:-)

Today’s post is about number two of my mexican piñata birthday party sweet treats. And today I have a great recipe for the colorful cupcakes I made for my boyfriends birthday. And some nice pictures as well.

Get a closer glimpse here:

…the piñata I chose the colors from:

As I mentioned in my post last Friday, last week I busy making lots of sweet treats for my boyfriend, including Cake Bites, Cake Pops and Cupcakes.

So let’s find about about the recipe of these yummy chocolate cupcakes with one secret ingredient that make them so fluffy and juicy at the same time….

  • Prep Time15 minutes
  • Baking Time 15 minutes
  • Difficulty Easy

For the Chocolate Cupcakes:

  • 200 g plain flour
  • 250 g sugar
  • 1/2 teaspoon baking soda
  • 1/4 teaspoon salt
  • 1 large egg
  • 125 ml buttermilk
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla
  • 125g unsalted butter
  • 2 tablespoons cocoa powder
  • 175 ml coca-cola (secret ingredient!!)
    • 1. Preheat your oven to 350F.
    • 2. Then, in a large bowl, combine the flour, baking soda, sugar and salt.
    • 3. Now beat the egg, vanilla and buttermilk in a measuring jug or pitcher.
    • 4. In a heavy-based saucepan, melt the butter, cocoa and Coca-cola, heating it gently.
    • 5. Now it is time to pour in the dry ingredients, stir very well with a wooden spoon or wire whisk, and then add the liquid ingredients from the jug/ptcher, beating until it is all well blended.
    • 6. Pour into a cupcake tin that has been lined with papers and bake for 15 minutes, until a toothpick comes out clean.

    For the lemony buttercream creamcheese FROSTING:

    • 2 cups (230 grams) confectioners sugar (powdered sugar), sifted
    • 1/2 cup (113 grams) unsalted butter, room temperature
    • 1 teaspoon pure vanilla extract
    • 1-2 packages creamcheese
    • juice of 2 lemons
    • food colors (if desired, and yes they were desired!)
    • Note: I used Wilton Gel Colors and Sugarflair Gel Colors.

    • 1. In an electric mixer, or with a hand mixer, cream the butter until smooth and well blended.
    • 2. Add the vanilla extract. With the mixer on low speed, gradually beat in the sugar.
    • 3. Scrape down the sides of the bowl. Add the creamcheese and beat on high speed until frosting is light and fluffy (about 3-4 minutes).
    • 4. Add a little more creamcheese or sugar, if needed.
    • 5. Pour in the lemon juice.
    • 6. Tint the frosting with desired food color (I use the gel food coloring).
    • Makes about 12 cupcakes

    This frosting is really great and very thick so you can make the nicest deco swirls on top of the cupcakes.

    See my mexican style cupcakes in action. I made a couple of cupcake toppers and wrappers, personalized of course. I used some of them from the TomKat Studio and changed them up again.

    See the azteca calendar in the background? Isn’t it perfect for this birthday theme? That’s a wallpaper I designed myself – My boyfriend and I just LOVE the aztecan calendar and Mexico in general (he is half Mexican, half German), to look at it every day is just nice and give the room such a warm atmosphere as well.

    Aaaand more pictures, could not decide which ones to eliminate:

    I like my cupcake stand in white color. Looks so cute.

    I also made a couple of mini cupcakes.

    I used a heart cookie cutter to cut out hearts of the cupcakes to put them on top of the frosting.

    This was specifically for my boyfriend. Simple but filled with love.

    What do you think about the cupcakes, you like them? I hope you try out the recipe, this lemony frosting is such a great addition and it makes the frosting not overly sweet. Just right :-)

    Happy baking everyone!!


About niner bakes

Hi I'm niner - I blog about cake pops, cupcakes & super healthy things: green smoothies, matcha, super foods & more! Welcome to my blog, I am thrilled you're here :)


  1. Truly stunning and playful cupcakes! It still speaks the hand-made love along with it. And it’s the right bite size too!

  2. Truly stunning and playful cupcakes! It still speaks the hand-made love along with it. And it’s the right bite size too!

  3. Pierre, thats awesome, thanks so much for your comment. Glad you like my cuppies. Now off to your blog :)


  4. Pierre, thats awesome, thanks so much for your comment. Glad you like my cuppies. Now off to your blog :)


  5. Happy Monday Niner! Your cupcakes are so lovely and you made that amazing wallpaper!
    Wow! You’re so talented!!!

  6. Happy Monday Niner! Your cupcakes are so lovely and you made that amazing wallpaper!
    Wow! You’re so talented!!!

  7. Beautiful cupcakes decoration. I love the colours for the frosting!! Very nice work!

  8. Beautiful cupcakes decoration. I love the colours for the frosting!! Very nice work!

  9. wow. just plain wow. photography and cupcakes both absolutely wonderful!, i bet you had great fun decorating (and eating!) these, they look delightful :)

  10. wow. just plain wow. photography and cupcakes both absolutely wonderful!, i bet you had great fun decorating (and eating!) these, they look delightful :)

  11. Those all look so beautiful! The colors and designs are perfect. Love your photography as well!

  12. Those all look so beautiful! The colors and designs are perfect. Love your photography as well!

  13. Your entire blog is incredible!! I came over from FG because that cupcake just leapt off of the page. They are all so beautiful! Wonderful photography.

  14. Your entire blog is incredible!! I came over from FG because that cupcake just leapt off of the page. They are all so beautiful! Wonderful photography.

  15. wow!!! your cupcakes looks like a really really fantastic…
    ciao from Italy

  16. wow!!! your cupcakes looks like a really really fantastic…
    ciao from Italy

  17. I find it hard to believe that your website is called We Choose Organic when I see Coca-Cola in one of your recipes not to mention food coloring. Both these products (which are NOT food by the way) are full of petrochemicals. If I am mistaken and these are not your recipes, my apologies, but right now I find your website incredibly misleading.

    • Hi Michelle, I just sent you an email. My website (baking blog etc.) will be transferred to a new site soon, I know about the misunderstanding, organic and cocacola do not match well.
      I started this website to just write articles about organic living, thats why I will transfer my baking blog to a new site. To keep it all seperate and to prevent misunderstandings =)
      Many blessings and thanks for your comment,

  18. Hello Niner,
    What a beautiful job!! Can I ask you:
    1. What 1-2 cream cheese….are you saying to use between one 8oz package to two 8oz packages of cream cheese leaving this up to ones preference?
    2. I just looooooove the piping on the cupcake of your first picture. Can you please tell me which tip you used? Also the colors and the technique? I assume you added three colors to a piping bag???

    I can’t wait to try these!!! So fun and festive!

    Thank you for sharing!

    • Hello Catherine,
      so happy you stopped by.
      yes I think it is up to your preference when it comes to the cream cheese.
      About the piping tip.. I assume it was a star tip and I poured three colors of frosting in one piping bag and it came out like that.
      I hope you will try those.
      Many blessings,

  19. Hallo Niner,bei der Zubereitung des Frostings steht etwas von Milch,jedoch nicht bei den Rezeptangaben?

    • Hi Therese, die Milch ist nur eine Option, falls es dem ein oder anderen zu süß ist. Ich z.B. gebe immer ein wenig Vollmilch in mein Frosting.
      Sie hebt die Süße aus.
      Ich werde die Milch in der Zutatenliste als “optional” hinzufügen.
      Alles Liebe,

      • Hallo Niner,das Frosting war sehr lecker mit dem Zitronensaft,der Teig war schön saftig,aber leider fanden wir alle das er viel zu süss war.

  20. Hey, die Bilder sind toll geworden. Da kriegt man richtig Lust aufs Essen! Werde mir das Rezept jetzt mal ausdrucken für demnächst! LG Gesa :)

  21. Hallo Niner!

    ich möchte die Schokocupcakes gerne für einen Kindergeburtstag machen. Meinst du sie schmecken auch so lecker, wenn man statt Cola Mineralwasser verwendet? oder wäre entkoffeinierte Cola besser? Sicher hast du das noch nicht ausprobiert, aber du weißt besser als ich, was die geheime Zutat bewirken soll. Danke für die Antwort!
    Ich lieeebe deine Seite und Rezepte, leider fehlt mir die Zeit alles auszuprobieren. Aber die Rezepte sind so schöne schlicht und untereinander kombinierbar. Ich werde die Geburtstagstorte auch mit deinem FrischkäseFrosting bestreichen. :-)

    • Hi Jana,
      GANZ lieben Dank, hat mich gefreut; danke für die lieben Worte.
      entkoffeinierte Cola geht sicherlich auch, Mineralwasser hab ich i.d.Tat noch nicht ausprobiert.
      Sende mir doch ein Foto von deinen Cupcakes auf meine FB Pinnwand, dann poste ich sie gern in mein Blogleser Album.
      Alles Liebe und happy baking Dir,

  22. Hey Niner :)
    Erstmal möcht ich sagen dass dein Blog echt super ist! Ich backe zeit geraumer zeit total gerne und deine Rezepte klingen mega gut :)
    Ich mach die cuppies jetzt für eine Weihnachtsfeier und wollte bloß fragen, ob der Ofen auf 175 Grad Umluft oder ober-unterhitze geheizt wird? ( bei mir ist deshalb schon einiges ychief gegangen)
    Liebe Grüße

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