March 31, 2025
Another way to carry cupcakes: Clear box carrier pods

Another way to carry cupcakes: Clear box carrier pods

Hi everyone,
since my last post about this GREAT cupcake courier I have another great thing to show you. Clear box carrier pods for your cuppies!
These are for small amounts of cupcakes. Let’s say you baked 12 cupcakes and just want to bring one to your co-worker or your moms or whoever.
No need for a huge box! Just take that tiny little clear box and that’s it.

It looks neat, the cupcakes will remain their shape and guess how happy people will be when they see that cute litte cupcake sitting in one of these clear boxes. Just looking at it, makes you want to open it up and taste that little feller.

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I don’t know why I am so in love with these, probably because these boxes remind me of Slurpees/Slushies. Love these!!

“take me with you” – No problem!
Now you can take your cuppies anywhere with these clear box carrier pods…
Won’t damage the frosting etc. These are so great!

Oh btw, I purchased those off of – at this Shop called Crafty Twit

Is there any other cool tools you guys use for transporting cupcakes/cakes/cookies?
let us know :-)

Happy baking…

About niner bakes

Hi I'm niner - I blog about cake pops, cupcakes & super healthy things: green smoothies, matcha, super foods & more! Welcome to my blog, I am thrilled you're here :)


  1. These are awesome Niner!
    A practical and pretty way of carrying cupcakes!
    Thanks for sharing!

  2. These are awesome Niner!
    A practical and pretty way of carrying cupcakes!
    Thanks for sharing!

  3. Haha hi Marian, thank youu for your comment. Yes aren’t these adorable? And they don’t cost much either. Always good to have these in the house somewhere. Have a great day :-))

  4. Haha hi Marian, thank youu for your comment. Yes aren’t these adorable? And they don’t cost much either. Always good to have these in the house somewhere. Have a great day :-))

  5. Hi,

    welche Größe hast du genommen? Ich bin da leicht überfordert mit small, large, big, jumbo………

  6. Hi,

    welche Größe hast du genommen? Ich bin da leicht überfordert mit small, large, big, jumbo………

  7. Hello, these pods are our own unique product and can be found here: We know that these are definitely our product as we are the only people producing these with the unique lifting strip and ours do not have a hole in the top, making the pod airtight which keeps the cupcake fresher for longer. Please could you change the link in your post to our pods instead of another parties product. We also sell on amazon here:

  8. Hallo Niner,

    also ich lese grad mit Begeisterung deine Seiten. Kann nur sagen: Toll toll toll, möchte auch am liebsten sofort losbacken. Leider fehlt mir Platz und Zeit und Abnehmer für die leckeren süßen Versuchungen. Ich hoffe im neuen Jahr machst du wieder Backkurse und ich kann dabei sein. Ich freue mich schon jetzt sehr darauf.
    Und ich freue mich weiter tolle Sachen von dir zu lesen, weiter so. klasse.

    Ganz liebe Grüße Carola

    • Hallo liebe Carola,
      das freut mich sehr zu lesen – ich hoffe wir können uns dann bei einem Workshop mal persönlich kennenlernen.
      Danke für dein Lob :)
      Liebste greets,

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