March 13, 2025
Red Velvet Cake with most delicious frosting!

Red Velvet Cake with most delicious frosting!

Hi everyone,

I told you in my previous post (Heart shaped Cake Pops) that I was going to bake for my moms (and mine) birthday which was yesterday.

So here we go, I start off with a gorgeous looking red velvet sheet cake adapted from the one and only: Pioneer Woman.

When I have seen the bright red color in the mix with this wonderful frosting, I knew I had to try it!

I wrote down the recipe and took how-to photos as well, so you guys can try it too – It is so GOOD!

  • Prep Time 20minutes
  • Baking Time 20 minutes
  • Difficulty Easy

For the Red Velvet Cake:

    • 1 cup shortening (I used butter because it is hard to find shortening around here)
    • 1-3/4 cup sugar
    • 2-1/2 cups cake flour (I used all purpose flour)
    • 1-1/4 teaspoon salt
    • 2 whole eggs
    • 1 cup buttermilk
    • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
    • 1 teaspoon baking soda
    • 1-1/2 teaspoon vinegar
    • red food coloring – Sugarflair Red Extra Paste Colour
    • 1-1/2 teaspoon cocoa powder


    • 1. Preheat your oven to 350 degrees / 180 G Celsius. Spray a large sheet cake pan with baking spray, make sure it covers the whole pan, this way you will be able to get the cake out much easier.

    • 2. Pour together the flour and salt, set aside.

    • 3. With a wire whisk and in a seperate bowl, stir together the buttermilk, eggs, baking soda and vanilla. Now add the vinegar to the mixture and mix everything together.

    • 4. In another tiny bowl, add the cocoa powder. Set aside.

    • 5. Now cream the butter and sugar together until light and fluffy. Now add a little bit of the flour mixture to it, then a little bit of the buttermilk/egg mixture. Repeat until everything is well mixed and combined.

    • 6. Then pour the cocoa powder and red food coloring into the mixture. Use toothpicks to do so. I probably used around 12, I always took 2 toothpicks, dunked them in the little container and poured it in the batter. Then I used a handmixer to mix it all well together. Repeat until you have your desired color. Deep red in this case.

    • 7. Now it is time to pour your red batter into the sheet cake pan. It is easier when you use an offset spatula than just a spoon. Even out the surface nicely.

Wow, that’s red, isn’t it? Lovely!

Looks like fresh paint, but yummy paint! :-)

    • 8. Now bake your red velvet cake for 20 minutes. When you remove the pan from the oven, wait another 20 minutes to let it cool. In order to get the cake out of the pan without cracking, place a large cutting board on top of the pan, invert the cake, so it turns onto the cutting board. Let the cake cool before you ice it though.

    • 9. Now ice with yummy frosting, recipe below.



      • 5 tablespoons flour
      • 1 cup milk
      • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
      • 1 cup butter
      • 1 cup granulated fine sugar (no powdered/icing sugar!)
      • raspberries to decorate top




    • 1. In a small saucepan, pour in flour and milk, and use a wire whisk to stir constantly while heating it up. It needs to thicken. At first you think nothing will happen because the mixture is very thin. But this will change, trust me :-)
      It has to be very thick. Stir and stir and stir so it won’t burn to the saucepan’s bottom. When it is thick enough, remove from heat and let it cool completely to room temperature. You really should stick to this, it must be completely cool before you stir in vanilla.

    • 2. While you wait for the mixture to cool down to room temperature, cream the butter and sugar together until it is all light and fluffy.

    • 3. Now it is time to add the cooled flour mixture and beat it all together with a hand mixer. It can look seperated at first, if it does, beat it a little longer. Beat it until it looks like whipped cream.

    • 4. When the frosting is looking yummy AND tasting yummy (come on, give it a try!) you can spread it on your cooled red velvet cake.

A little closer por favor! Red and white, THE PERFECT match.

    • This frosting is honestly (besides my actual favourite, which is creamcheese frosting) so amazing! Sweet, but not TOO sweet, so fluffy…aww…I love it!

      It has flour in it, that seemed kind of odd to me at first, and to heat it up with milk, hmmmm alright! :-)
      It made me curious though and I am so happy I have tried it out. Kudos to Tasty Kitchen member MissyDew – I adapted the frosting recipe from her.
      Thank you miss :-)


Next time I won’t use frozen raspberries, way too much fluid which ruins the nice white frosting :-)

I made a cupcake too for mom only, with of course, for the queen, a fondant crown :)

And now: Happy baking everybody. Enjoy your week.

About niner bakes

Hi I'm niner - I blog about cake pops, cupcakes & super healthy things: green smoothies, matcha, super foods & more! Welcome to my blog, I am thrilled you're here :)


  1. Oh, I love these Niner! And that adorable fondant crown!
    Your mom must have been so happy with such sweet gifts!!

  2. Oh, I love these Niner! And that adorable fondant crown!
    Your mom must have been so happy with such sweet gifts!!

  3. I think that this recipe is super! I never baked a red velvet cake before, so I think it is time I bake it soon.

  4. I think that this recipe is super! I never baked a red velvet cake before, so I think it is time I bake it soon.

  5. I like the concept of red velvet cake with white.Never thought about such combination.It’s really nice.

  6. I like the concept of red velvet cake with white.Never thought about such combination.It’s really nice.

  7. Hey! Who has eaten my piece of cake???? hahahahaha I love the frosting recipe! Thank you very much for the post!!

  8. Hey! Who has eaten my piece of cake???? hahahahaha I love the frosting recipe! Thank you very much for the post!!

  9. Hi, hier ist die Mama von Nina. Ich wollte mich auch mal zu Wort melden und Euch allen mitteilen wie stolz ich auf meine Tochter bin. Sie verwöhnt mich immer mit so super tollen Leckereien. Besonders ihre Cake-Pops liebe ich. Ich freue mich schon auf die nächsten “Süßen Sachen”

  10. Hi, hier ist die Mama von Nina. Ich wollte mich auch mal zu Wort melden und Euch allen mitteilen wie stolz ich auf meine Tochter bin. Sie verwöhnt mich immer mit so super tollen Leckereien. Besonders ihre Cake-Pops liebe ich. Ich freue mich schon auf die nächsten “Süßen Sachen”

  11. Hi Niner,
    I just wanted to tell you that I really adore your baking blog :) I was for a half year in the USA for a Student Exchange and I searched through the whole WWW to find a recipe for the frosting as americans are always doin it !! Your cakepops are very good ;))
    Keep up your work ;*

  12. Hallo Niner,
    ich liebe deinen Blog und wollte mich bedanken fuer deine super posts!!!
    Ich lebe in Brasilien zur Zeit und da es hier SEHR heiss ist, habe ich probleme mit der Buttercream… aber nicht nur ich… hehehe! So moechete ich bei naechste gelegenheit dieses Fristing probieren… aber ich bin halt eine WAGE person bin… faellt es mir manchmal schwer die sachen nach Essloefell zu bemessen… kannst du mir sagen vieviel mehl in gramm fuer einen frosting wie diesen?
    Liebe Gruesse aus Brasilien!
    Ach… entschuldige mein super Deutsch… ist halt nicht so super…

  13. Is it possible to do this but with different colors?

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