March 14, 2025
{Tutorial} How to make winter Penguin Cake Pops

{Tutorial} How to make winter Penguin Cake Pops

Hello everyone,
I hope you are all as excited as me when it comes to Christmas??

But it is over so soon! Today is Christmas Eve, and I can’t wait :)
Not only that it is Jesus’ birthday, but the whole festive atmosphere is just wonderful!
My favourite time of the year!

I have received quite a few emails and messages about my penguin cake pops, how to make them etc.

Maybe some of you know my Snowman Cake Pops, with scarfs and earmuffs etc.

So I thought it would be neat to make a tutorial for you guys…let’s create these little penguins.

  • Prep Time 20 minutes
  • Baking Time 10 minutes in freezer / 30min in refrigerator
  • Difficulty Easy
  • Servings approx. 36 Cake Pops á 19gr

For the Cake Pops:

  • rolled cake pops (oval shape) from your favorite recipe or use my recipe from the blog
  • white candy melts
  • black candy melts
  • orange candy/sprinkles for the noses
  • candy straws for the earmuffs
  • Wilton Jumbo Stars Sprinkles, or Confetti Jumbo Hearts, for the earmuffs
  • Sugarflower sprinkles or even star sprinkles, for the feet
  • Americolor Edible Food Pen for dotting the eyes and mouth
  • toothpicks
  • tweezers (to place hearts and nose etc. precisely)
  • Lollipop Sticks or even way cuter for the holidays: christmasy paper straws
  • Additional Items you may want to get, makes a nice gift:

    • Prepare yourself before you actually start.
      Get everything out on the counter you need, so you do not stress yourself in the middle of the decorating process.
    • 1. Dip your ready rolled cake pops (and lollipop sticks are inserted) in your white candy melts and let them dry in a styrofoam block.
      (picture 1+2, see below)
    • 2. With a toothpick, “paint/draw” the black lines with your black candy melts on the cake pop.
      (picture 4+5, see below)
    • 3. Do not let these lines dry, we will immediately go on to the next step:
      Now dip the cake pops from the left and right side (and back) but do not dip the front! If something goes wrong, you can still use a toothpick and try to elimate any mistakes or false lines.
      (picture 6+7+8, see below)
    • 4. Here is a pictorial for you guys, so you know exactly how to do this:
    • 5. Now you can add the “feet”, use white candy melts as glue and attach the sprinkles with tweezers. For the eyes, I just applied a tiny dot of black candy melts with a toothpick (or use an edible food pen).
    • 6. Time for the cutest part of it all: The earmuffs.
      Cut your candy straws with a sharp knife and dot a small amount of black candy melts on the penguins head where the earmuffs will be at and attach a thin candy straw and two jumbo hearts sprinkles or stars for the actual earmuffs. Hold until set (can fall off easily when candy melts are too thin for example!)
      Note: Here is a video for you guys:

    • If you do not want to miss any new videos from me, I would be happy if you subscribed to my new niner YouTube channel.

    • 7: Now your penguin cake pops are ready and all set for the cold winter season :)

    You can design your penguin pops just as you like, lots of sugar decorations help you with that.

    Cake Pops are great to give away!
    Best way to do this: In a Cake Pop Box (I used this one by Wilton).

    Decorate it with washi tape etc. and you’re done. So cute!

    Say hello to misses penguin!

    Love these christmasy polka dot paperstraws!

    Wishing you all a merry merry Christmas… and happy cake popping!

About niner bakes

Hi I'm niner - I blog about cake pops, cupcakes & super healthy things: green smoothies, matcha, super foods & more! Welcome to my blog, I am thrilled you're here :)


  1. Oh my goodness, they are soooooo cute, Niner!! I love them!!
    The little girl penguin with the bow and heart earmuffs… sooo sweet!
    Thanks for sharing them and Merry, merry Christmas to you and your family!

  2. Hi Niner, this penguis are just amazingly cute lol, your explanations are just so simple to follow , thanks so so much!!!

  3. Wirklich tolle Cake Pops, die sind einfach nur goldig! :)

    Aber wie bekommst du denn die weißen Candy Melts bzw. die Schicht so deckend über den dunklen Oreo-Teig? Ich habe jetzt mal dein Oreo-Teigrezept ausprobiert und bei den weißen Candy Melts schimmert immer ein klein wenig der dunkle Teig durch…

  4. These are so adorably cute! I love making cake pops and I’ve become known for making them. The detail you put on theses is just amazing!! Great job! Even the sticks are cute!!

    • Hi Danielle,
      thanks so much for your comment.
      Glad you enjoy the penguins – Have fun making them. I am sure many people will enjoy them.
      Happy baking and decorating,

  5. I know what I’ll be making this Christmas. These are too cute!

  6. Love, love, love these penguin cake pops! I’m a novice cake pop maker, but I’d like to try making these. How do I fill in the little V on the penguin’s forehead? It doesn’t seem that rolling right and left will accomplish the V. I’m hoping to not have a mess!

    • Hi there Shannon,
      thanks for your comment :)
      I am explaining it in my tutorial how I do this, see the photo tutorials as well. It is not as hard when you tried it a couple of times :)
      Wish you a sweet day,

  7. your penguin are so cute, My husband collect penguin, we are having a christmas party and he wanted me to see how to make penguin cake pops, so thank u for showing me how

  8. Thank you for posting this tutorial of your adorable penquin cake pops. I will try to see if I can make some for my relatives.

  9. Hi,
    Ich liebe deine Seite und vorallem deine Cakepops! Letzten Winter habe ich die Pinguine und Schneemänner nachgemacht und auf dem Weihnachtsmarkt verkauft. Die kamen super an. Tolle Ideen!

    Sind nicht so perfekt wie deine, aber trotzdem süß :)

    Freue mich schon auf Neues von dir. *Vorbild* <3

  10. Hi Niner
    I belive , your blog is useful and nice

  11. I know this is a very old post, but I love penguins and I can’t wait to try these this Christmas 2015. Absolutely adorable!

  12. Hey, so I love this recipe and I’m looking to do it in some different colors but I can’t figure out what you mean by candy straws (I’m new to this all!!).
    Do you mean twizzlers or is there a specific candy should buy?

    Thank you for the recipe! It’s probably one of the most adorable things I’ve ever seen.:)

  13. hi these are so cute I want to make them for my daughters kindergarten Christmas party! I was just wondering how well they will keep in the fridge, I want to make them Wednesday for the party on Friday

    • Hi Melissa, they will stay fresh for that long, definitely. Do not put them in the freezer though, the fridge is good, and not too cold :-)
      Merry Christmas and happy holidays to you and your family,

  14. Hi.. Ninet merry xmas…i wish to makw cake pop like u…but i hv make before..mine will fall down when i drip candy melt. Too bad…or my cake recipe too oily? Can u help me thanks

  15. I was wondering how many bags of candy melts do i need. I dont want to run out midway through.

    Thank you

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