March 14, 2025
“Happy Easter” Treats: Easter Nest Cupcakes with Easter Eggs

“Happy Easter” Treats: Easter Nest Cupcakes with Easter Eggs

Yay, spring is here!
Hopefully on your side of the world as well!

Time for me to post something fresh, bright and Easter-like here on the blog!

So I thought Easter cupcakes would be perfect!
Those are just a highlight on any easter dessert table. Especially when you add a couple of more detailed highlights such as handmade fondant flowers, butterflies etc. Absolutely cute!

This year I made the basic version with gras and easter eggs, and a more detailed version with flowers and a butterfly as well.

Today I will show you how to make these Easter Nest Cupcakes.
You will get a yummy vanilla cupcake recipe, a frosting recipe and a how-to on how to decorate your easter cupcakes.

Let’s go:

  • Prep Time 10 minutes
  • Baking Time 12-15 minutes
  • Difficulty Easy

For the Vanilla Cupcakes:

  • 1 1/4 cups all purpose flour
  • 1 1/4 teaspoons of baking powder
  • 1/2 teaspoon baking soda
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 2 eggs
  • 3/4 cup sugar
  • 2 teaspoons pure vanilla extract
  • 1/2 cup vegetable oil
  • 1/2 cup milk
  • 1/2 teaspoon vinegar

Additional Items you may want to get, makes a nice gift:

  • 1. Preheat your oven to 350 degrees / 180 G Celsius and prepare your cupcake pan with cupcake liners of your choice.
  • 2. Pour together the flour, baking powder, baking soda and salt, set aside.
  • 3. Add 1/2 teaspoon vinegar to the milk, mix & combine well and set aside for about 3-5 minutes.
  • 4. In another bowl, add the 2 eggs and mix with handmixer or electric mixer. Now pour in the sugar and continue to mix for a minute.
  • 5. Now add vanilla extract and vegetable oil and mix.
  • 6. On low speed, add half of flour mixture, beat, then add half of milk mixture. Repeat until everything is combined and well mixed. Scrape down sides of the bowl too.
  • 7. Now pour the rather thin batter into your cupcake pan and fill up the cupcake liners 2/3 full.
  • 8. Bake in your preheated oven for about 12-15 minutes, I usually reduce the heat after 10 minutes, because my oven tends to get very hot!
    And the cupcakes get a nice domed top! If you are not sure whether the cupcakes are ready to take out the oven, use a toothpick, stick in the center of the cupcake, if it comes out clean, the cupcakes are done – nicely domed.
  • 9. Let cupcakes cool for a couple of minutes before you remove them from the pan. Let cool completely on a plate or wire rack.
  • 10. When completely cooled, you can start frosting them. The frosting recipe follows below.
  • Prep Time 10 minutes
  • Difficulty Easy peasy

For the Creamcheese Frosting:

Additional Items in order to make your easter nests complete:

  • 1. In an electric mixer or with your hand mixer, cream the butter until it is very smooth and fluffy.
  • 2. Now, add the vanilla extract. On low speed, with your handmixer or electric mixer, gradually beat in the icing sugar. Don’t forget to scrape down the sides of the bowl.
  • 3. Now add the cream cheese and beat on high speed until your frosting is all light and fluffy. (3mins) – I would suggest to give it a taste, if the frosting is still too sweet for you, then the milk comes into play. Gradually add milk, bit by bit, beat the frosting and taste again. Make sure it does not become too soft and runny – it has to have a good consistency (not too thin!)
  • 4. If your frosting is too runny, just add in a little bit more icing sugar. If you like the taste and consistency, tint your frosting with your desired food coloring In our case: Half of the frosting green and the other half: brown.

    I usually use brands such as Wilton, Americolor or Sugarflair.
  • Photo: How to fill a piping bag

  • Attach Wilton tip #233 to piping bag and fill piping bag 1/2 full with green frosting.
    To make the grass look:
    Hold your piping tip just about the cupcake and squeeze gently, when it touches the cupcake, lift the piping bag but keep squeezing, now stop pressure and pull off and the frosting grass should stand upright and not fall again (if it does, the frosting is too thin).
  • Now you can top each frosted cupcake with your desired candy eggs, tree look always cute. If you have flowers as well, place them on it as well.
  • As you can see, the cupcake in the background: the green is a little lighter and has a rather yellowy touch. To make your grass cupcakes a little different from one another just add a bit of yellow food coloring to the green frosting, mix well until you reach your desired shade.

    To make the brown easter nest:

  • Tint the rest of your frosting (if it is softer now then this is ok for the nest) with the brown food coloring and use a new piping bag with the same multi opening tip (wilton tip # 233) and pipe along the cupcake and pipe little “branches” as you can see in my photo.
  • I started from the middle, with even pressure I moved around the cupcake in a circular pattern.
  • You can also pre-frost a cupcake with grass and then just add a circle nest with brown frosting on top of the grass, this would look cute! But in my case I completely covered the cupcake with the brown easter nest.
  • And again: Top the cupcake with easter candy eggs or anything else you want.

And you are done, beautiful treats for your easter candy bar =)

Simple and without any detailed decoration: Still super duper cute!

No matter how detailed those easter cupcakes are: They will be cute when you make them and will probably make everyone smile as well =)

What will you be baking for Easter this year?

Any special recipes that cannot be missed during Easter time?
I would love to hear your ideas etc. in the comment section.

And now, enjoy the sun outside, spring is finally here!
Eggcellent ;-)


About niner bakes

Hi I'm niner - I blog about cake pops, cupcakes & super healthy things: green smoothies, matcha, super foods & more! Welcome to my blog, I am thrilled you're here :)


  1. Gorgeous, gorgeous gorgeous…. oh looooove!!! Sooo pretty, Niner! I love everything about this post and will share on facebook soon! xoxoxo

    • Hi there Colette, haha that’s funny.
      If you do not want to eat them, you can just use those cupcakes as home decor, I do that all the time.
      Thanks for stopping by!
      Blessings, niner

  2. I agree!! These are soooo adorably cute!!! So glad Sweetopia shared on FB!! I would of been missing out these amazing delightful creations!!!!

  3. Hi Niner! I absolutely LOVE these cupcakes, i’m definitely gonna make them for my easter brunch this year!! So thanks for posting this! I just have one question: i’ve always had problems with getting creamcheese frosting to a good pipeable consistency. So is this really stiff enough for piping all these details? and will it get softer (or even too soft) when i keep the cupcakes out of the fridge for a couple of hours?

    • Hi Carina, thank you so much!
      Usually I recommend to prepare your frosting (icing sugar, vanilla extract, butter) and then add creamcheese to it. Not all at once, I usually add cream cheese bit by bit so it won’t happen that it is too runny or not pipable anymore.
      You do not even have to add a lot of cream cheese if you think it’s going to be too soft. Try it out though, bit by bit. I usually do not put my frosted cupcakes in the fridge at all after they are done. I am sure it will stay stiff just fine unless it is very hot where you live?
      Hope it will all work out =)

      • hi niner,
        I gave it a test run yesterday and the consistency turned out perfectly!!! thank you SO much!! i’m really excited about this because i’ve always prefered creamcheese frosting to buttercream but – as i said – never got it stiff enough. well, problem solved, thanks to you!! :)
        xxx carina

  4. Just discovered your blog through google+ and I’m so glad I stumbled across it! It’s absolutely gorgeous! I love the easter cakes, their really similar to some I did with little chicks added to celebrate Easter last year. Nice to discover more great baking and decorating in the blogoshphere! Thanks for sharing :-)

    • Janice, thanks SO much for stopping by and your sweet words – So glad you like my blog.
      Have to stop by on yours too!
      Many blessings,

  5. Hi there, I am new to your site. I found you on Facebook, via Sweetopia. LOVE your site…a new follower :-)

  6. Hallo Nina, ich bewundere seit Stunden Deine Oster-Cupcakes! Möchte gerne am WE einen Testlauf starten, ist Vanilleextrakt dasselbe wie Vanillearoma? Letzteres gibt’s ja in diversen Supermärkten (ist auch flüssig), das Extrakt allerdings wie bei Ama*** abgebildet habe ich so im Handel noch nicht gesehen.
    Dann noch meine Frage zur Wilton Tülle: passt diese in jeden (Einweg) Spritzbeutel? Tüllenmässig bin ich blutige Anfängerin :) Habe zwar schon einige hier aber bisher kaum genutzt. Das soll sich jetzt ändern!
    Vielen dank schonmal für eine kurze Antwort.
    Herzliche Grüße Karen

    • Hi Karen, gern gebe ich Dir ein paar Tipps:
      Vanilleextrakt wird aus echter Vanille gewonnen, Vanillearoma hingegen ist künstlich hergestellt. Gern kannst du auch den Abrieb einer echten Vanilleschote nehmen, du wirst Augen machen wie wunderbar es schmeckt. Vanillearoma geht natürlich im Notfall auch wobei ich das nie benutze =)
      Dennoch gibt es das Extrakt was du bei A. gesehen hast z.B. bei Kaufhof oder auch teilweise Edeka.
      Es passt jede Tülle in Einwegspritzbeutel – sprich die, die man nachher wegwirft. Man schneidet ein Loch hinein, so dass die Tülle reinpasst und schon kann es losgehen.
      Ich hoffe ich konnte dir helfen.
      Viele Grüße und dir gutes Gelingen,

  7. Hi! I’m working on an egg nest recipe round-up for The Huffington Post Taste and would love to feature your recipe. Please contact me if you’re interested. Thanks!

  8. Hallo, ich verfolge seit kurzem diese wundervollen Köstlichkeiten, ich habe mich auch schon probiert an den Oreo Cupcakes die hervorragend gelungen sind :-) Nun habe ich vor ein paar Tagen hier auch ein Rezept gefunden mit Oster Capcakes die aussahen wie Schäfchen mit mini Marshmallows. Ich finde diese nicht mehr …..kann mir jemand helfen…..ich wollte die zu Ostern machen…bin schon ganz verzweifelt

    • Hi Marion, ich danke dir, freut mich sehr, dass du auf meinem Blog schon fündig geworden bist =)
      Leider Gottes habe ich garkeine Schäfchen Cupcakes – da musst du was verwechselt haben. Wäre aber für nächstes Jahr mal eine gute Idee.
      Google spuckt dir bestimmt viele Schaf Cupcakes aus =)
      Liebste Grüße an Dich und danke für dein Feedback,

  9. Hey Niner :)
    eine ganz tolle und niedliche Idee diese Oster-Cupcakes :)
    zu Ostern werde ich sie ausprobieren ! :)
    wo bekommt man denn diese süßen Blümchen? oder sind die in sooo klein selbst gemacht ?
    herzliche Grüße

    • Liebe Corinna, ganz lieben Dank, das freut mich. Die Blumen habe ich aus Fondant gefertigt.
      Klick mal hier, da bekommst du kleine Blüten auch zu kaufen und musst sie nicht zwingend selbst machen =)
      Viel Spaß und happy baking =)

  10. Hy liebe Niner…ich möchte am we meine Familie beeindrucken und mache schöne oster cup cacks…kann ich unter dem posting auch etwas Kakao geben und schockofrosting draus zu machen oder hast du da ein anderes Rezept dazu?

    • Hi Jenny,
      du kannst gern ca. 100-125g Zartbitterschokolade (vorher gehackt, geschmolzen und abgekühlt) zum Schluß hinzugeben (oder auch Kakaopulver), dann hast du Schokofrosting.
      Alles Liebe,

  11. Ich habe diese Cupcakes zu Ostern gemacht, Die ganze Familie war begeistert und sie haben wirklich gut geschmeckt! Deine seite macht echt Spaß und du hast tolle Rezepte! Ich gucke sie mir jeden tag an haha :D

    • Liebe Laura, ach wie schön, ich musste grinsen!
      Freut mich, dass es Dir hier auf meinem Blog so gut gefällt (und dass du mir dieses tolle Feedback sendest!).
      Nachträglich frohe Ostern und ich freue mich, noch mehr hier von Dir zu lesen.
      Alles Liebe,

  12. Hey Niner,
    Ich liebe deinen Blog und wollte diese Cupcakes meiner Tante mitbringen.
    Ich kann das Frosting doch bestimmt schon heute Abend vorbereiten und es dann morgen früh auf die cupcakes spritzen oder ?
    Bin mir nicht mehr sicher ob das Frosting im Kühlschrank nicht zu fest wird.
    Liebe Grüße

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