March 13, 2025
Attention all Cookie Dough Lovers: Safe-To-Eat Cookie Dough Pops!

Attention all Cookie Dough Lovers: Safe-To-Eat Cookie Dough Pops!

Hi there,
I hope the first week of the new year was fabulous!
Over here in Germany it is just raining, nonstop, and it is not even cold – so it feels like fall, I cannot even wear my warm and cozy winter gear.

Anyways…let’s talk about sweets!

On NYE, my friend also celebrated her birthday (01/01/2013), so that was pretty cool, such a special day for a birthday!
She absolutely adores cake pops!
And I thought, since she usually eats oreo cake pops, it would be sweet to make a new filling she never had before (in cake pops).

I’m talking about Cookie Dough, cookie dough pops! Seriously…addicting, guys!
You are probably thinking, that it is quite a risk to eat cookie dough that contains eggs.
Well this cookie dough is eggless! Absolutely safe-to-eat, you will enjoy it =)

You might remember my post about these colorful Vanilla Chocolate Chip Cookies? This time though, the oven remains cold!

I will show you how to do these pops, now.

  • Prep Time 10-20 minutes
  • Chill Time 10 mins in freezer – 30 mins in refrigerator
  • Difficulty Easy Peasy

For the Cookie Dough Pops:

Additional Items you may want to get, makes a nice gift:

  • 1. Grind oatmeal and remove from processor.
  • 2. Cut your candy melts in small pieces with a knife.
  • 3. In a large bowl, beat together for 2-3 minutes: Butter, white sugar and brown sugar (handmixer or standmixer).
  • 4. Add and beat until well blended: a little bit of milk, vanilla extract and dash of salt.
  • 5. Add and beat for another 2-3 minutes: White flour, whole wheat flour, baking soda, baking powder and oatmeal.
  • 6. Mix in the cut candy melts / or chocolate chips (whatever you prefer). If the dough is too thick, just a little bit of milk until you reach your desired consistency.
  • 7. Roll the dough into 1″ balls or weigh them (20g), then refrigerate them for at least 20 minutes to firm up (or 10 minutes in the freezer).
  • 8. Now melt your candy wafers.
  • 9. Dip a little bit of the lollipop stick in the melted candy, then stick the lollipop stick or paper straw in the Cookie Dough Pop (half way) and dip the Cake Pop in the melted candy wafers.
  • 10. Now you can add sprinkles, sanding sugar or anything else etc. to decorate. Don’t wait too long, otherwise it won’t stick to the base. Candy Melts dry pretty quickly, so that is why I should not wait too long.
  • 11. When you’re done with deocrating, put the pops in a styrofoam block to dry completely.
  • 12. And done, hopefully you enjoy your cookie dough pops, I certainly did!

I made all kinds of different cookie dough pops.

Normal, basic round pops for all guests to enjoy but for the birthday child of course I had to make something extra.
I molded little squares, those became gifts / little packages with white fondant ribbon, little, tiny hearts sprinkles and on the other gift cake pop, I attached a tiny rose I made out of fondant.

Last but not least, I made two miniature cake pop versions of my friend =) The most important part was her fringe – because this is SO her.

I wish I could show you a photo of my friend, but she’s a little shy.

For a cute and easy presentation I used a PiP Studio cup and Colored Sand and stuck the cake pops in there.

My friend really enjoyed her Mini-Me’s!
I wonder if she ate them…well maybe with her eyes closed! =)

Oh and a good advice from me to you: When making cookie dough pops, save some dough!
I tell you, there’s gotta be one night where you are craving for something delicious, and there you have it, your frozen cookie dough (which will defrost quite quickly!).

Until next time, stay well and safe!

About niner bakes

Hi I'm niner - I blog about cake pops, cupcakes & super healthy things: green smoothies, matcha, super foods & more! Welcome to my blog, I am thrilled you're here :)


  1. Why does #4 mentionn eggs?

  2. It says 2 tablespoons Milch. What is that?

  3. Hi Niner, I’m confuse, this recipe no needs to bake?

  4. Hallo, ich find die mit der Rosa Glasur so super! Was ist das? :-)

  5. hallo:)
    hättest du ein umrechnungskurs und cups in gramm??? das wür mir wirklich helfen.

  6. Hallo!

    Wieviel Gramm Candy Melts nimmst du denn insgesamt für den Teig? Müssen jetzt Eier rein bei den Cake Pops oder nicht :)?

    LG Babsi

    • Hi Barbara,
      wie viel Gramm kann ich dir nicht sagen, ich hacke einfach ein paar Melts klein, vermenge sie im Teig bis ich denke, es reicht. Das musst du nach deinen Vorlieben einfach ausprobieren.
      Und nein, keine Eier für Cookie Dough Pops.
      Viele Grüße,

  7. *meld* Ich hab da mal ne Frage… was ist der Unterschied zwischen Weißmehl und Weizenmehl?

    • Liebe Jule, Weißmehl ist helles Mehl, bei beiden Mehlen ist die Vermahlung eine komplett andere und mit Weizenmehl ist gemeint, dass es aus Vollkorn bestehen kann, sprich hochwertiger und gesünder.
      Ich hoffe ich konnte dir helfen.
      Viele Grüße,

  8. Hi Niner,

    I love your blog here in Canada, and your recipes are delicious! I was just wondering how to store these pops if I were to make them a few days ahead of time?


  9. Hej,

    I love your resipes – referring to the Cookie Dough NO BAKE Cake Pops (what a glorious idea!!!) – do I really need baking soda and baking powder though I do not bake them?

  10. Hey Niner!

    I’m writing to you from Chile! This recipe looks absolutely delicious. I was wondering if it is really necessary to use the cup of whole wheat flour? Could I simply use all purpose instead? I would appreciate the answer. Thank you!!

  11. Hey niner, kannst du mir sagen ob ich candy melts nur online bekomme oder auch bei Rewe? Und warum muss ich in Punkt 8 die cake Pops in die micro packen obwohl sie vorher im Frost waren? Hat das was mit den candy melts zu tun?

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