March 29, 2025
Christmas Wonderland Cake Pops: Stockings, Snowmen, Penguins, Santa Hats, Holly Leafs, Christmas Trees and more!

Christmas Wonderland Cake Pops: Stockings, Snowmen, Penguins, Santa Hats, Holly Leafs, Christmas Trees and more!

For the candy bar I have been talking about in my previous post (christmas tree cupcakes tutorial), I created lots of cake pops as well and I want to show you all of course.

I will start off this post by posting my favourite snowman, even though he is a rather..grouchy one..but still cute =)
The rest that follows though, is all friendly, promise!

See? :-)

Yay, he were go. Another snowman group!
I have so much fun making these, especially when I see people’s faces when they first see them. It’s a real treat.
I have to be honest, I do have two or three in my kitchen, they are perfect as christmas decorations as well!

Here’s the northpole crew – candy cane paper straws make the pengiun, holly leaf, santa hat and snowy cake pops even cuter!

Oh and Santa was already there to fill up the stockings while I was gone. When I got back, they were stuffed with all kinds of cute things!

The hearts were made out of fondant, I did not have huge candy hearts, so I used fondant and a small cookie cutter for the hearts.

Please read on to see more photos and a preview for what’s to come next.

And of course, what would christmas be without a traditional christmas tree…or two, or three =)

Santa Hat, in full effect.

Guys, I hope you liked my little christmas cake pops collection. It was 1.5 weeks full of work and stress but it was so worth it – this is when I know: I love what I do!

So, in the next post, I will show you how to make these Holly Leafs Cake Pops:

So make sure to stop by again, christmas time has just started and I might post a few more tutorials!

Enjoy your day.

About niner bakes

Hi I'm niner - I blog about cake pops, cupcakes & super healthy things: green smoothies, matcha, super foods & more! Welcome to my blog, I am thrilled you're here :)


  1. Dear Niner — oh WOW, you’ve outdone yourself again! I can’t believe it! And you’ve inspired me to make more cake pops over here in California.

    By the way, I was a bit surprised when I read your email — why would your cake pop be dirty? (Grimy = dirty). Here’s the definition:

    There’s also a slang use of “grimey” that I’d never heard of, but I don’t think you mean to use this version, either!

    How about “He’s a bit of a grouch”?

    • P.S. Here’s another definition of “grimey” from the Urban Dictionary

      1. From “grime;” something very dirty or filthy, caked with dirt. Marked by abjectness stemming from neglect. “After 3 months of winter driving in NYC, my car is grimey.”

      2. A morally reprehensible deed. “Your best friend [slept with] your girl? That’s grimey”

      3. A person who is known for their lack of decency in human affairs. “Don’t trust that kid. He’s grimey.”

      I feel like making more cake pops now!

    • Hi Laura, thanks so much for visiting!!
      So nice to read your kind words, I appreciate it! And you are right, I always thought “grimey” would mean the same as “grouchy” but I was wrong! haha..
      I changed the word in my blogpost. Thanks for telling me, miss!!
      Wishing you an awesome day..

  2. I just love these! You’ve used them on the dessert table in your next post too! This is such a fine job, it must’ve taken you forever to make these.

    • Hi Julia, yes I prepared them for the christmas dessert table. It did take a while, even when you’re making cake pops every day, it’s a lot of work but when it was all done, I was overjoyed with the results =)
      Thanks for stopping by =)

  3. Hallo Niner,
    ich stöbere jetzt seit ein paar Tagen durch deinen Blog und komme aus dem Staunen gar nicht mehr heraus. Alles was Frau hier sehen kann ist so entzückend – und sieht so verdammt lecker aus. Deine Fotos sind grandios und ich bin wirklich total begeistert.
    Selbst habe ich noch keinen einzigen Cake Pop oder Cupcake gemacht, doch ich will das jetzt unbedingt einmal ausprobieren. Vielen Dank für diesen tollen Blog ! Es macht so viel Spaß hier zu lesen und zu stöbern.
    Liebe Grüße,

    • Hallo Petra,
      ach mei, wie schön so ein tolles Feedback zum Feierabend zu bekommen, ich danke dir!
      Es freut mich, dass meine Kreationen Dir gefallen – das ist genau das, was ich möchte: Leute glücklich machen =)
      Ich hab natürlich gleich mal bei dir geschaut, und mich sofort in die Wal-Karte verliebt!
      Du zauberst wirklich ganz tolle Karten – Scrapbooking etc. – finde ich total super!!
      Danke für’s Vorbeischauen und bis bald,

  4. hallo Niner,
    WoW *_* dein Blog ist fantastisch!! <3<3 ich liebe ihn und vor allem die weihnachts Cake Pops!!
    Ich wollte dich fragen ob du mir vielleicht das Rezept für die Pinguin und die Santa Hütchen Cake Pops
    Mailen kannst? :)) (
    währe sehr lieb von dir! <3
    und noch eins Du meintest du würdest in dem nächsten Artikel ein Tutorial machen für die holly leaf Cake Pops!
    könntest du mir davon bitte den link senden? ich bin irgendwie zu dusselig und finde das nicht :(
    Liebe Grüße,
    Jenny <3

  5. Hey, dein Blog ist sooooo cool! Könntest du mir bitte die Rezepte für die Pinguin- und Christbaumkugelcake-Pops schicken? Wäre sooooooo nett :)

  6. Oh und bitte auch noch für die Weihnachtsbäume und die Socken

  7. Hello, i know u posted this a year ago but i just came across your page and wow! Too cute! Do you have a tutorial for the snowmen? I really want to try these for christmas!

  8. Felicitaciones, hermosos trabajos y gracias por ayudarnos con los tutoriales, exitos profesionales, muchas bendiciones, un abrazo..

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