March 12, 2025
{Christmas} Snowman Cake Pops reloaded

{Christmas} Snowman Cake Pops reloaded

Last year I already made Snowman Cake Pops and this year I thought to make some new ones, only with a little bit more cuteness and accessoires =)

I am already in christmas mood, I tell you. Just like every year, after Halloween I start looking for recipes to try for the season – I just love it. Last week I received my new book by Bakerella, called Cake Pops Holidays. It is so full of awesome and cute holiday treats!! Bakerella started it all, the whole cake pops movement! If you do not know about her, please visit her site!
Her book obviously inspired me even more to start my christmas treats early.
To create such cute Cake Pops for Christmas makes it all so much nicer.

It was sort of hard for to let these snowmen cake pops go to my customers =) But people loved them, so I was happy (but I couldn’t resist and kept one for me, don’t tell).

Please read on to see more photos, to get the recipe (incl. how to).

  • Prep Time 20 minutes
  • Baking Time 10 minutes in refrigerator
  • Difficulty Easy

For the Christmas Snowman Cake Pops:

Additional Items you may want to get, makes a nice gift:


    • Prepare yourself before you actually start. Get everything out on the counter you need, so you do not stress yourself in the middle of the decorating process :-)
    • 1. Now, make the NO BAKE Snowman Cake Pops: Grind your OREO cookies to fine crumbs in a Food Processor
    • 2. Put the crumbmix into a boal and hand mix with cream cheese. I use gloves though, because it gets messy :-) Especially when you have longer nails, it takes a while to be “oreo/creamcheese-free” again. So just use gloves, or when you have kids, I am sure they would love to help you with this step :-)
    • 3. Keep in mind that the dough should have the consistency of play-dough.
    • 4. Roll the dough into balls and form them into the typical Snowman shape, then refrigerate them for at least 10 minutes to firm up.
    • 5. Now melt your Candy Melts.
    • 6. Dip a little bit of the Lollipop Stick in the melted candy, then stick the lollipop stick in the Cake Pop (half way) and dip the Cake Pop in the melted candy wafers. (picture “1”)
    • 7. Now you can add nose sprinkles and buttons (use tweezers to be more accurate) – you can wait until everything is set and dry. But I figured it is easier to place them on the snowman when the candy melts were still wet. (picture “2”)
    • 8. Time for the cutest part of it all: The earmuffs, scarves etc. Cut your candy straws with a sharp knife and dot a small amount of white candy melts on the spot where you want the scarf to be placed. Lay the “scarf” around the snowmans’ neck and hold for a while until the candy melts set. Now, dot a small amount of candy melts on the snowmans’ head where the earmuffs will be at and attach a thin candy straw and two jumbo hearts sprinkles for the actual earmuffs. Hold until set (can fall off easily when candy melts are too thin for example!) (picture “3”)
    • 9. Put the cake pops in a styrofoam block to dry completely.
    • 10. The last part is to give the snowmen faces: Use your americolor edible ink pen to dot eyes and mouth for each snowman. (picture “4”)
    • And you’re done.


If you are a beginner, just start with the snowmen without the earmuffs – they are still cute with just an orange nose and dotted face.

Here you can see the whole crew:

This cutie is my absolute favourite. Luckily I made more snowmen than I was supposed to, so I chose to keep this little fella – he looks cute in my kitchen <3

And always remember during winter-time:

Have a good week,

About niner bakes

Hi I'm niner - I blog about cake pops, cupcakes & super healthy things: green smoothies, matcha, super foods & more! Welcome to my blog, I am thrilled you're here :)


  1. How cute! Thank you so much for the step by step instructions.

  2. Niner, how absolutely sweet, cute, adorable, amazing are these little guys! I LOVE THEM! Love the photographs as well… you’re so talented… Wish you lived closer, we would have so much fun making things together! xo

  3. These are so cute, I have added them into my Mouth Watering Mondays post today. Thanks for sharing. Cheers, Tara


  5. Nein, wie süß! :-)
    Ich habe – welch ein Zufall – heute auch Snowmen Cake Pops gemacht, aber meine sind nicht ganz so niedlich geworden, wie deine. Was so ein paar Accessoires doch ausmachen…
    Dann werden in den nächsten Tagen auf jeden Fall nochmal welche gemacht. :-)

    Danke für die tollen Inspirationen und die super Step-by-Step Anleitungen! Da kriegt man schon beim Lesen Lust Cake Pops zu machen.

    • Danke, liebe Jenny – das freut mich sehr, und genau deswegen mach ich das; dass meine lieben Blogleser es ebenfalls mal ausprobieren.
      Sende mir doch ein Foto von deinen Schneemann Pops auf meine FB Pinnwand, dann poste ich es gern in mein Blogleser Album.
      Liebsten Gruß!

      • Ja, das mach ich dann sehr gerne.
        Hab schon Einiges von dir nachgebacken, kriegst du dann alles auf die Pinnwand. ;-)

        Du bist auch diejenige, die mich dazu gebracht hat, Cake Pops überhaupt mal auszuprobieren. Habe mich da lange nicht rangetraut. Danke dafür!!

  6. Hi, I have just seen these and they would make great Christmas presents for my friends! Do you have to use cream cheese? Could I use something like Nutella or melted dark chocolate?
    Jaya xx

    • Hi Jaya,
      I have never tried it with Nutella etc. so I cannot really tell you but it is sure worth a try. Melted dark chocolate I would not use though, because it will dry. It has to be something creamy like a cream cheese texture.
      Good luck and happy baking :)

  7. Hi, niner it’s absolutely fabulous …. I love them… But I’m french…, and I’m obviously a beginner , so I don’t know wich cream cheese to use , can you please tell wich brand is the best ?

  8. Hi,
    I love these. Just wondering what kind of candy you used for the scarf?


  9. These are so cute! Thanks for the detailed instructions. I am doing a bunch of Christmas themed cake pops and I’m especially excited for these. :)

  10. Hi niner, these are really cute pops…this is in my ‘must-try list’ :))…i have a questions -when do we add the ‘white sanding sugar’?


    • Hi Najla, thanks so much!
      Oh so you great you ask, it was a mistake, the sugar does not have to be added, I just took it out :)
      Thanks! :)
      Happy baking, would love to see your outcome.

  11. These are absolutely adorable. I make cake pops all the time for my 2 boys and their friends, but have never had the patience for creating fun things like your snowman. I think I will have to change that after seeing these. Great job!

  12. Hi, I m from Singapore. I noticed that your pictures of these snowmen cake pops are used by a company called Genius R Us, which conducts baking workshops. The picture of your snowmen cake pops are printed on their sales brochure. i can send you the picture i took if you wish to see it. Regards, Ange

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