March 25, 2025
{Step by Step} Vanilla Cake Pops Tutorial + a little vacation time

{Step by Step} Vanilla Cake Pops Tutorial + a little vacation time

Hi everyone,
I know, I know…it has been very quiet here on the blog.

I have good reasons though :)

I was on vacation, on a wonderful island!
Sal, it’s an island which belongs to the Cape Verde islands, absolutely stunning!

Mind if I share a couple of photos?
And yes – of course Cake Pops enjoyed the trip as well ;)

You might end up wanting to go there for your next vacation.
I can definitely recommend it, guys.

We had a great tour around the island with Anne Seiler, the lady in the purple dress below, (if you want more information, click here for her facebook page which is also in English) who is such a hero for the whole island!
She started a project: “Help for the Children of Terra Boa” which helps children to have an education.
Anne is helping the people of Terra Boa unselfish, with love and without any bureaucracy – absolutely amazing.
She has a detailled list of things that are needed for the children, especially clothes.
So we packed a suitcase full of clothes, I even got my friends to clean out their closets :)

We met the children and especially one girl stole my heart.

We took a lot of fruit from the hotel because the children do not get enough vitamins over there – you should have seen their eyes when they saw the apples and oranges! It was overwhelming, I can tell you.
This is a sweet photo I have seen recently on their facebook page, you would not see many kids in Europe or the States THAT happy and just grabbing for the fruit. It was really humbling.

Ohmy, I so want to go back…
Before I get sad and all, I will start with the detailled tutorial for my Vanilla Cupcakes, after, I will show you how to make vanilla cake pops.

  • Prep Time 10 minutes
  • Baking Time 12-15 minutes
  • Difficulty Easy
  • Servings 12-15

For the Vanilla Cupcakes:

  • 1 1/4 cups all purpose flour
  • 1 1/4 teaspoons of baking powder
  • 1/2 teaspoon baking soda
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 2 eggs
  • 3/4 cup sugar
  • 2 teaspoons pure vanilla extract
  • 1/2 cup vegetable oil
  • 1/2 cup milk
  • 1/2 teaspoon vinegar

For more cupcake decorating tips and techniques, please click here.

  • 1. Preheat your oven to 350 degrees / 180 G Celsius and prepare your cupcake pan with cupcake liners of your choice.
  • 2. Pour together the flour, baking powder, baking soda and salt, set aside.
  • 3. Add 1/2 teaspoon vinegar to the milk and set aside for about 3-5 minutes.
  • 4. In another bowl, add the 2 eggs and mix with handmixer. Now pour in the sugar and continue to mix for a minute.
  • 5. Now add vanilla extract and vegetable oil and mix.
  • 6. On low speed, add half of flour mixture, beat, then add half of milk mixture. Repeat until everything is combined and well mixed. Scrape down sides of the bowl too.
  • Pictorial for you:

  • 7. Now pour the rather thin batter into your cupcake pan and fill up the cupcake liners 2/3 full.
  • See it here:

  • 8. Bake in your preheated oven for about 12-15 minutes, I usually reduce the heat after 10 minutes, because my oven tends to get very hot!
    And the cupcakes get a nice domed top! If you are not sure whether the cupcakes are ready to take out the oven, use a toothpick, stick in the center of the cupcake, if it comes out clean, the cupcakes are done – nicely domed.
  • 9. Let cupcakes cool for a couple of minutes before you remove them from the pan. Let cool completely on a plate or wire rack.
  • 10. When completely cooled, we will start to make the cake pops.
  • Prep Time 20 minutes
  • Baking Time 10 minutes in freezer / 30min in refrigerator
  • Difficulty Easy
  • Servings approx. 36 Cake Pops á 19gr

For the Cake Pops:

  • cooled cupcakes / or cooled baked cake
  • approx. 170-200 grams Frosting / Buttercream – Maybe my favourite Frosting? Click here!
  • scale (to weigh cake balls)
  • Note:
    If problems occur while making cake pops, please read my Cake Pops 101 Troubleshooting Guide – maybe you’ll find the answer to your problem!

  • Prepare yourself before you actually start.
    Get everything out on the counter you need, so you do not stress yourself in the middle of the decorating process.
  • 1. Now, make the Vanilla Cake Pops: Peel off the paperliners and then rub the cupcakes together over a big bowl, crumble them into fine crumbs.
  • 2. Put the crumbmix into a boal and hand mix with buttercream/frosting, add it bit by bit. I use disposable gloves, because it gets messy. Especially when you have longer nails, when you have kids, I am sure they would love to help you with this step.
  • 3. Keep in mind that the dough should have the consistency of play-dough.
  • 4. Roll the dough into 1″ balls or weigh them, which I recommend (19g), then refrigerate them for at least 30 minutes to firm up, or put them in the freezer for 15 minutes.
  • Here is a summary for you:

    And you are done with your vanilla cake pops!

    And please click HERE to learn how to dip your cake pops in candy melts etc.

Wishing you all a sweet rest of the week and happy cake popping!

About niner bakes

Hi I'm niner - I blog about cake pops, cupcakes & super healthy things: green smoothies, matcha, super foods & more! Welcome to my blog, I am thrilled you're here :)


  1. I’m glad you had such a nice time, and on so many levels!
    Thanks for the cake pop how to – pinned! xoxo

  2. Hallo Nina,
    evtl. kannst Du mir ja helfen. Ich bin nämlich semi bis extrem-verzweifelt.
    Alle, wirklich alle Versuche Buttercreme herzustellen misslingen mir. Ich habe zahllose Varianten ausprobiert, aber alle sind mir geronnen. ALLE. Ich habe mich an jede Einzelheit des jeweiligen Rezept`s gehalten.
    Ganz liebe Grüße

  3. Hey there I dont know why I haven´t been on your site for awhile cause everytime I come here, I love it.. I need to make a note to visit more often :-) This is a lovely tutorial and very well explained with great photos!! Xx

  4. What a spectacular tutorial! Just discovered your blog and can’t wait to explore more. You are insanely talented!

  5. Hallo Niner,

    sei so lieb und verrate mir doch bitte,bitte die Bezeichnung von deinen pink Nikes ;-) Sind das die “Free Run 5.0”?
    Ich such mich halb tot im Internet :-(
    Selbstverständlich bin ich auch Fan deiner Backkünste!


  6. Ich bin gerade auf deine Seite gestoßen und bin begeistert!
    Besonders bin ich hier hängen geblieben, weil wir scheinbar zu genau der gleichen Zeit auf den Kapverden Urlaub gemacht habe. Als ich auf der Tour mit Anne war, hatte sie allerdings etwas anderes an, aber das wäre wohl auch zu viel Zufall. Mach weiter so! Liebe Grüße aus Berlin ;)

  7. Hi, I love your site and the cake pops are beautiful. I have question…. i have tried making cake pops from scratch (no cake mix) and I can never get them smooth and round like you do and they did to fall apart. What am I doing wrong?

  8. hallo,

    ich wollte mich an den Oreos und Vanilla Cake Pops versuchen . Meine Frage ist wie lange die Cake Pops haltbar sind? Die “Oreos” vielleicht länger als die “Vanilla”? Ich wollte gleich so um 60 Stück machen und bin am überlegen wie ich mir die Arbeit am besten aufteilen kann. Oder ist alles an einem Tag locker zu schaffen?
    Kann man die Oreos Cake Pops mit Schokoglasur überziehen und die Vanilla Cake Pops als “smiley” machen, oder andersrum würde es besser schmecken?
    Danke im Voraus für alle Antworten :)

  9. first of all, thanks for all your good ideas for cake-pops, I really love your new year glitter cakepops.
    when i don’t want to use frosting, can I use jam instead of frosting?

  10. hello. LOVE, LOVE your website!! can i use olive oil instead of vegetable oil? and can i use apple cider vinegar instead of regular vinegar?

  11. Hi! I just came across your website and I love the idea of Vanilla cake pops. I’m making Santa Claus and Snow men cake pops for a Christmas party next month and I was wondering if the vanilla cake pops will hold their shape for making Snow men cake pops without risk of breaking and falling off the stick I’m hoping to hear from you soon, thank you so much!

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