March 25, 2025
{National Ice Cream Day} niner’s Ice Cream Cone Cake Pops

{National Ice Cream Day} niner’s Ice Cream Cone Cake Pops

Back in the 1980’s Ronald Reagan designated July is National Ice Cream Month and he named the 3rd Sunday in July as “National Ice Cream Day”, yay!!
To me, this is a special day to celebrate!
I LOVE ice cream, but wait, who doesn’t?

I made ice cream cone pops before, back in 2011, inspired by wonderful Bakerella.
She paved the way for us all! <3

Some of my fellow cake poppers and I prepared Ice Cream Cone Cake Pops for you all of our readers today, to celebrate national ice cream day!
Remember our group posts back in spring? Now let’s look at these summery treats

1. Pint Sized Baker 
2. KC Bakes
3. Miss CandiQuik
4. The Best Cake Pops
5. Hoopla Palooza
6. Niner Bakes
7. The Partiologist

But before these delicious ice cream creations melt our hearts away, let’s head over to the actual tutorials I prepared for you guys!

  • Prep Time 20 minutes
  • Baking Time 30 minutes and longer
  • Difficulty Easy

For the Ice Cream Cone Cake Pops:

    (Photo: ingredients/equipment etc. for both cake pops variations)

  • Now, start off by making your favourite Cake Pop recipe. I usually make the no-bake Oreo version, it is faster and loved by everyone.
    If this is your first time making Cake Pops, please visit this link here. Get everything out on your counter, anything you need for the decorating process.
  • 1. Your ready rolled cake balls are all done and chilled in the refrigerator for at least 30 minutes?
    Then you can start off by melting your candy melts (pink, brown, white, whatever you prefer) in 30 seconds intervals. If your candy melts are not smooth enough, pour in a little bit of vegetable oil. Any other problems occur? Visit my Troubleshooting Guide. There you will find lots of advice.
  • 2. Now, when your Cake Balls are done and firmed up in the refrigerator, add a cake ball to your waffle cone to make it look like an ice cream scoop. I usually have to break something from the cone off so the Cake Ball fits. Of course you do not need to break anything off from the waffle cups, only when you have tiny cake balls, then you can do that.

  • (Photo: Step by step tutorial)

  • 3. In this case you do not need lollipop sticks. Simply add a cake call to your ice cream cone and add the melted pink candy on top of it (I used a spoon), let it drip to make it look like real ice cream.
    I love drips in case you haven’t noticed by now. Click HERE for a little video on my instagram feed on how to make a nice drip on a cake pop.
  • 5. If you want two layers of chocolate (pink and brown for example) make sure to let the first layer dry completely before adding the second layer of chocolate.
    When dry, quickly add some sprinkles of your choice before the coating dries. If you are using a regular waffle cone put it in a styrofoam block to dry completely. The other cone cups can just sit and dry on your counter.

  • (Potos: Ice Cream Waffle Cone variation)

  • 6. When first layer is dry, melt your brown candy melts and drip over your pink layer.
  • 7. Decorate with sprinkles and add M&M’s, a smartie or skittles on the top! Et voilá :)
  • 8. Let all your ice cream pops dry on the counter or in a styrofoam block.
  • 9. Repeat these steps with all your cake balls until you have tons of little ice cream cone pops!

Note: These are GREAT for kids’ birthday parties and summer parties.

Make sure to enjoy an ice cream cone cake pop today, or a regular ice cream cone, a milkshake, a sundae..
whatever it is, enjoy it.
Please let me know when you make these, simply add your photos to my Facebook Page wall, would LOVE to see your outcome and put the photos in my blogreader’s album, ladies and gents!

Oh these make me happy!
Happy National Ice Cream Day!


About niner bakes

Hi I'm niner - I blog about cake pops, cupcakes & super healthy things: green smoothies, matcha, super foods & more! Welcome to my blog, I am thrilled you're here :)


  1. Love the triple coating on the pops – that’s my kind of cake pop!

  2. this is the kind of cake pop i’d like to frame and put in my kitchen!
    SOOO beeUteefull! :)

  3. Love the melty effect of the three layers! These are so pretty.

  4. Wow, die sehen ja klasse aus. Auf den ersten Blick hätte ich nie gedacht, dass man diese süßen Waffeln essen kann.

  5. very cute – the multiple layers look so delicious!

  6. What a fun group of cake pops! Love it!

  7. Niner, these are so, SO cute!! I LOVE them!
    Have pinned them and tried to tag you in the pin, but the new Pinterest is funny… it doesn’t tag as well as it used to, and it won’t let me tag you! I hope that gets fixed soon.
    Hope you had a wonderful birthday and are enjoying your summer! xoxox

    • Marian, thank you so much =)
      I have the SAME problem with you on Pinterest, I can never get it to work to link you, it is frustrating. I thought it just works with the “@” in front of the user name but somehow I cannot even tag myself. Hope they change it soon. Thanks for pinning, sweetie, so greatful to have you as such a wonderful supporter.
      Summer over here is pretty hot =) Hope over there as well =)
      xoxo my girl,

  8. Was sind Candy Belts…?

    • Hi there,
      Candy Melts ist Kuvertüre, womit die Cake Pops umzogen werden.
      Liebe Grüße, niner

      • Hi,
        Dankeschön für deine Antwort :)
        hab gleich mal geschaut.
        Find die nur in Online Shops (z.b. amazon). Gibts die in Deutschland auch irgendwo im laden?
        Was für eine Konsitenz haben die und welchem Geschmack kommen die nahe?
        Dankeschön und viele Grüße

        P.S.: gestern deine Seite erst entdeckt…tolle Webseite!!!

  9. I’m smitten over your ice cream cake pops! I love the melty, double dip look! Beautiful photos!

  10. Hallo Niner,
    Wie lange kann ich Cake-Pop-Waffel-Eis aufbewahren? Möchte es gerne schon 10 Tage vorher vorbereiten. Das müsste von der Haltbarkeit eigentlich gehen, oder? Allerdings hab ich Bedenken, dass mir die Waffeln im Kühlschrank weich werden. Hast du da Erfahrung?
    LG Petra

    • Hi Petra,
      ich habe das leider noch nicht ausprobiert, das ich die Waffel Pops ein paar Tage im Kühlschrank hatte. Ich würde es mit einem ausprobieren an deiner Stelle, die anderen einfach luftdicht verschließen?
      Alles Liebe und viel Glück, hoffe es geht gut =)

  11. You had me at ice cream! One of my all-time favorite treats – but your cake pops looks delectable. A great alternative to dairy too at a … “Moo-Mitzvah”!

  12. Hi, these look adorable. I was wondering how far in advance I could make the ice cream cake pops.
    DO you know how long the wafers keep their “crunch”for?
    thankyou x

    • Hayley, thanks for commenting :) Unfortunately i have not made these in advance yet. So maybe you can try out one cone cake pop in order to check out how long it is crunchy? I am sure a couple of days though.
      Wish you lots of fun making them :)

  13. Hello!
    =D I am sixteen and i love baking desserts..especially cakes and cupcakes. it’s fattening..but who cares? :P
    Anyway, i wanna open up my bakery shop when i grow up. :)
    But i never seem to get my cupcakes right! Either they are over baked or under! I blame my oven for that,ofcourse. LOL
    So i was just browsing up on the net for perfect recipes of cupcakes and I landed on yours..and i found them fascinating! I tried baking one or two..they seemed to be getting..right. Except the heart shaped one. my heartshapes (inside the cupcakes) always get burnt..any suggestion?
    Thanks so much! I love you! :*

    • Radhika, you are such a cutie, thanks SO much for your lovely comment; honestly I just posted it on my Facebook Page saying you made my day. and it’s true.
      Thanks so much.
      About the heart shaped cupcake surprise: Maybe you overbaked the red cupcake dough in the first place so when the cut out hearts get into the oven again, they burn quickly.
      But I cannot image that, maybe you do not pour enough vanilla batter over the hearts? Cover them completely.
      Hope it works next time!
      Have a wonderful day and please come back here anytime ;)

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