March 25, 2025
{I Love You, Mama, Any Time of Year} Heart in a Cupcake Surprise

{I Love You, Mama, Any Time of Year} Heart in a Cupcake Surprise

Today is a very special day!
July 12th is my mom’s birthday! But not just her birthday.
My mom and I share our birthdays on the same day, since 30 years to be exact.

This might be the reason why we are the best friends ever, because I was born on her birthday.
We have a crazily special bond and I can tell you: It is so special and so fun to share my birthday with hers every year, it is a true blessing since it is so rare that this actually happens between family members.

Until now we have not celebrated our birthdays twice in all these years, and this year will be the third time (unfortunately) but we will meet and celebrate ourselves the upcoming Monday!
Reason for no seeing her today are my girlie friends; they planned something for me, since I am turning 30 today – I have no clue what is going to happen but I know that I will be on the road for two days with them.
I am so excited for what is about to happen, hopefully pure fun with my ladies!

I might be 30 now, but that won’t change my mind about birthdays: I love them, they make me happy and they must be celebrated with family and friends, this is what makes me complete. I feel like a little child every year on July 12th :)

Because I don’t see mom today, I have something cute for her and YOU, all my blog readers:
“Heart in a Cupcake” – a sweet surprise inside a cupcake!
I have seen something like that a good while ago on Pinterest, and I knew I had to try it out.

Mom, this blogpost is for you!
Can’t wait to see you on Monday, you’re my best girl in the world! <3

Now let’s head over to the recipe and the tutorial for you guys!
First you will bake the red cake so you can cut out red hearts.
After that you can use your favourite cupcake recipe or use one of mine, if you’d like to:
Vanilla Cupcake Recipe & Chocolate Cupcakes Recipe.

  • Prep Time 10 minutes
  • Baking Time 15 minutes or a little longer
  • Difficulty Easy

For the red vanilla cake:

For more cupcake decorating tips and techniques, please click here.

  • 1. Preheat your oven to 350 degrees / 180 G Celsius and flour one 8-inch baking pan.
  • 2. Pour together the flour, baking powder, baking soda and salt, set aside.
  • 3. Add 1/2 teaspoon vinegar to the milk, mix with a fork or spoon and set aside for about 3-5 minutes.
  • 4. In another bowl, add the 2 eggs and mix with handmixer or stand mixer (KitchenAid for example). Now pour in the sugar and continue to mix for a minute.
  • 5. Now add vanilla extract and vegetable oil and mix.
  • 6. On low speed, add half of the flour mixture, beat, then add half of milk mixture. Repeat until everything is combined and well mixed. Scrape down sides of the bowl too so you don’t miss anything of this yummy batter.
  • 7. Tint your batter with red food coloring until you reach your desired red-tone. Now pour the rather thin batter into your baking pan .
  • 8. Bake in your preheated oven for about 14-18 minutes, I usually reduce the heat after 10 minutes, because my oven tends to get very hot!
    To make sure the cake is done, use a toothpick, stick in the center of the cake, if it comes out clean, it is done.
  • 9. Let cool completely.
  • 10. When it is completely chilled, take your cookie cutter and cut out as many hearts as you need to. Set aside.
  • What you need now: Cupcake batter to bake your surprise cupcakes!
    I used my favourite vanilla cupcake recipe, (click here). Use this one or your very own recipe, it does not matter at all.

  • 1. When your cupcake batter is done, prepare a cupcake pan with cupcake liners of your choice. Use a pitcher to fill in the cupcake batter 1/4 full!
  • 2. Take a red heart you cut out before, let it sit in the batter, hold it with your fingers so it does not fall, then pour in the batter slowly, 3/4 full.
  • 3. When all hearts sit in their spots, you can go ahead and bake your cupcakes. Follow your recipes instructions.
  • 4. Let cupcakes cool on wire rack completely. Then you can frost them or just leave them plain and beautiful, like I did.
    Now all you need to do is to cut in the middle of the cupcake and voilá, there you go: A little cute heart inside <3

If you guys are making these surprise cupcakes, I would love to see them! Please upload your photos to my Facebook Wall, would love to see many many heart cuppies :)

Last but not least I would like to say thank you to everyone who commented on my GiveAway blogpost.
You guys are amazing and I honestly felt the love and that you guys appreciate what I am doing here on my blog – THANK YOU! <3

Wishing all of you a lovely weekend.
I will definitely enjoy my birthday, that is for sure.

Love, niner

About niner bakes

Hi I'm niner - I blog about cake pops, cupcakes & super healthy things: green smoothies, matcha, super foods & more! Welcome to my blog, I am thrilled you're here :)


  1. Fantastic! Can’t wait to make them <3

  2. Wonderful cupcakes – just a great job! Happy Birthday to you and your mom!

  3. Happy Birthday Niner!!! I have it programmed into my phone, but even then, I know I wouldn’t forget my fellow July birthday girl!! Hope you’re having so much fun with your girlfriends, and with your Mom (soon). Wishing you both such a wonderful, amazing day!!!
    Love these cupcakes too btw – so cute!!

  4. HAPPY HAPPY 30th you youngster you! 7 is a lucky number and 12 is my favorite number of all time so no wonder i heart you and all your goodies you make! here’s to the BESTEST birthday ever to you and your Mom! what a sweetheart cupcake you made. your mom raised an awesome daughter :)

  5. Liebe Niner!!

    Wie immer bin ich absolut und total verliebt in Deinen neuen Post- Was für eine super klasse Idee!!
    Viel Spaß mit Deinen Mädels und beim Nachfeiern mit Deiner Mutti :)
    Und natürlich herzlichen Glückwunsch zum Geburtstag!!

    Liebe Grüße von Mareike

    Alles, alles Gute zum Geburtstag, Deiner Mom natürlich auch! Ich hoffe sehr auf ein baldiges Treffen- dann gibt es auch ein tolles Geschenk!!! Lass Dich feiern my dear.
    Wieviel Herzen kann man eigentlich noch machen…? <3 <3<3
    Mein Sohn und mein Vater haben am selben Tag Geburtstag und mein Vater ist an diesem Tag 60 geworden. Er hat es sich sooo gewünscht! Es ist etwas ganz Besonders für uns, da mein Vater in den USA lebt und ich ich sehr selten sehe. You made my day!
    Cory von Cupcake Look

  7. How fun that you get to share your birthday with your mom. I’m sure she has told you many times that you are the Best birthday gift she has ever received. Cherish the birthdays that you get to share with her. Love the cupcakes :)

    • Hi Linda,
      what a lovely comment, thank you so much. Yes she really told me that a couple of times haha..and I love her for that, we are a wonderful team and its a blessing to share my birthday with hers.
      Thanks for stopping by Linda.
      Have a lovely day!

  8. HAppy belated birthday wishes to you & your sweet mom, Niner.
    Love your cupcake idea & love that yellow pom pom cupcake topper more than anything. where did you get it? or do you have a tutorial for it? it’s so cute on your beautiful cupcake ;)

  9. They look amazing, well done. However I’ve seen a few recipes like this around and I just don’t understand what is supposed to happen if they bite into it at the ‘wrong’ angle. It just seems so unlikely to bite into it and reveal the heart that perfectly. How did you find you went with that aspect of it?

    • Hi Jessica,
      sorry the late reply.
      You are right, that is an issue. Maybe “marking” the cuppies on the right side with sprinkles etc. would do it? Unfrosted though, I can see the right angle.
      Thanks for your constructive comment, maybe someone else has a better idea?

  10. Das sieht wirklich umwerfend aus! Ich habe (noch) eine Frage. Egal ob ich Cupcakes, Muffins oder normalen Kuchen backe, die Oberfläche platzt immer auf. Das sieht nicht schön aus, wäre auch gerade bei diesem Rezept unschön.
    Gibt es einen Trick, wie man dem entgegenwirken kann?

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