March 4, 2025
{Tutorial} Let’s Get Married – Wedding Cake – Cake Pops

{Tutorial} Let’s Get Married – Wedding Cake – Cake Pops

Weddings are just so wonderful, aren’t they?
I cannot speak for myself though because I am not married yet. But everything about weddings is just absolutely exciting!
I definitely get carried away by romantic proposals on the internet or cute dresses in a wedding magazine, that gorgeous sweet table on a blog which lets me say: Getting married must be breathtaking.
Breathtaking in two ways…wonderful, yet stressful for the bride! Especially when she wants to organize so much by herself. As the to-do list grows, it is hard for her to enjoy the time before the wedding beause there is so much to do.

This is why I am addressing all friends and family of future wedding couples:
Be helpful! Even the smallest things make a difference. At the end of the day the bride will be greatful for all your help thoughout the wedding planning period.
A little surprise on the wedding day would not hurt either:

Cute Wedding Cake – Cake Pops!

It is trendy nowadays to give something unique and original as a wedding gift, something that will catch everyone’s eye. Besides rather “expensive” gifts, it’s the homemade, little things that truly make people happy.

If you follow my blog regularly, you probably have seen my my bride & groom wedding cake pops (tutorial) or my previously posted mini three tiered wedding cake – cake pops.
They are a little more complicated to make so I am sure not everyone dares to make them:

Today’s wedding cake pops are definitely easier to make but still; look so romantic!

  • Prep Time 30 mins
  • Baking Time cool for 30 mins in refrigerator
  • Difficulty Medium

What you need in order to make the wedding-cake cake pops (not everything is MUST!):

Note: Take out everything on the counter you need before you actually start. It can be very stressful otherwise.
By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail. (Benjamin Franklin)

  • 1. Sugar flowers made out of fondant: I recommend to make these ahead of time, even days ahead. To roll out the fondant or gumpaste, use a rolling pin. To help shape the gumpaste or fondant flowers, use tools such as the ball tool. The foam pad helps to make and shape sugar flowers.

  • (Photo: Foam pad, cut out fondant flowers + ball tool to shape the flowers.)

  • 2. Prepare your cake pop mix and cut out round shapes or mold shapes with your hands.

    Note: Please do not cut out really big shapes of cake, because they might be too big and heavy for the lollipop stick and might fall off. Try to make them just like in my photos for example.

  • 3. Melt your white candy coating in a microwave-safe plastic bowl, following the instructions on the package, I usually do that in 30 seconds intervals in the microwave.

    Note: I am in love with the Brite White Candy Melts by CK Products.
    Your cake pops will be really white and it does make a difference. If you can get those, I really recommend to buy them.

  • (photo: difference between super white candy coating & regular white candy melts)

  • 4. Place a small amount of candy coating on the bottom layer and place the smaller cake layer on top of it.
    Take a lollipop stick, dip a little bit of the lollipop stick into the white melted candy, then stick the lollipop stick into the bottom layer of the wedding cake pop all the way up to the top layer (up to the middle of the top cake layer), very careful and not too fast.
    Repeat this step with all of your little wedding cakes and stick them all in a styrofoam block so the chocolate can set inside the cake pops.
    Put all of them in your fridge for about 20 minutes to firm up.

  • (Photo: You can see the two tiered cake pops I prepared, 2 layers)

  • 5. Now dip the cake pop into the white candy melts, let the excess chocolate come off. Place the coated Cake Pop in a styrofoam block to dry.
    Follow these steps with all little wedding cake – cake pops.
  • 6. Now it’s time to decorate!
    I piped a dotted border around the cakes (filled candy melts in an icing bag and used a small round tip to pipe) but you can also attach sixlets or other candy pearls. Add tiny flowers or other candy. I put a small amound of candy melts on top of the cake and let it drip down a get the ganache sort of look, plus I love drips so, it was only right.

Mhmmm yummy ganache anyone?

Hope you will try these out – they’re fun to make and oh so romantic :)
Blessings and marry on!!

About niner bakes

Hi I'm niner - I blog about cake pops, cupcakes & super healthy things: green smoothies, matcha, super foods & more! Welcome to my blog, I am thrilled you're here :)


  1. These cake pops look so beautiful, and your tutorial is wonderful (:

  2. These are so cute! Thank you for the tutorial. :)

  3. I’m not married yet either but I love weddings and have an entire board on Pinterest dedicated to all things wedding (just in case)! Haha! I hope to muster up the courage to attempt cake pops one day! Your cake pops look amazing and I love all the fine details that go into them! Perfection!

    • YitLing, thanks so much for your lovely comment, I really appreciate it. I have a wedding board as well ;) It is just so romantic, isn’t it..
      I hope you will try cake pops! After a while it is not that difficult anymore.
      Your Cuppies with that key lime frosting look heavenly by the way!!
      Many blessings,

  4. Soooo gorgeous, Niner!! I love how the colors pop, and the tutorial is so detailed – love it! xo

  5. Hey,

    wirklich tolle Sachen die du hier machst. Sehr kreativ. Weiter so!


    • Hi Katharina,
      wie cool von Dir zu lesen!
      Ich danke dir :)
      Hoffe bei dir läuft es super, aber daran zweifel ich nicht einmal :)
      Liebste greets an dich, miss.

  6. Liebe Nina,
    Wie immer ist Deine Idee absolut zauberhaft und so toll umgesetzt. Ich freue mich immer sehr über neue Ideen von Dir!
    Wie hast du denn die wundervolle Marry me Girlande im Hintergrund gemacht?

    Liebe Grüße von Mareike

    • Liebe Mareike,
      ich danke dir für die lieben Worte!
      Die Girlande werde ich demnächst als Download anbieten – dann kannst du dir diese runterladen und ausdrucken =)
      Alles Liebe,

  7. I absolutely adore your cake pops and me and my daughter are definitely going to give them a try. Get into practice before she decides to get married ;) …… thought we would adapt it with a Xmas theme though as no weddings in the pipeline. Perhaps you could do something like that and post it for us. Or maybe you already have. Not done anything like this before but will do our best :)
    Great tutorial, thank you.


  8. Hello how do u make the 2nd layer of cake as pink? Thanks

    • Hi May,
      thanks for your commenting.
      I put a small amound of candy melts on top of the cake and let it drip down a get the ganache sort of look.
      Enjoy your day,

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