March 4, 2025
Cake Pops 101: Tips, Tricks & Great Ideas on how to display your cake pops!

Cake Pops 101: Tips, Tricks & Great Ideas on how to display your cake pops!

I am getting many emails from people who want their treats to be displayed all beautifully.
There are tooons of ways to display your cake pops and I thought it would be great to list some of the options here for you.

What I usually tell my clients and readers when they ask me about displaying their cake pops, (who do not own cake pop stands and who do not have time to craft their own) is to just use cute, decorative bowls, cute cups, home decor glasses, even porcelain vases and usual glass bowls work so well!
All you need to do is to buy colored decorative, craft sand and fill up your desired bowl, vase etc. with the sand and stick your cake pops in there.
Easy peasy but so adorable to look at.

Here are a few examples of what I used so far – Starting with glassware:

Let’s say you want to display many cake pops at a Wedding or a birthday party – it sure has to look beautiful, right?
You can shop great cake pops stands online, for example acrylic stands that fit to any theme basically.

This one for example, I found it on Amazon:

Best used for wedding or huge parties is a multi tier cake pop stand. It holds up to 52 cake pops and looks really gorgeous once set up.
Amazon has a great offer, shop it here or take a look below.

You have a low budget?
You can get your craft on and make a cake pop stand yourself! It is very easy.
The most common way to display cake pops is to use styrofoam blocks / cake dummies.
But to make it look neat, you can cover those with pretty paper and ribbons to match it your personal theme and style.
Just use a round styrofoam block for example and wrap pretty paper around and secure it with tiny needles.
The edges can be decorated with fancy ribbon et voilá, you have a cute cake pop stand for less than 10 dollars.

See here a few examples of how I usually work with styrofoam cake pop stands:

As you can see crafted a 3 tiered Cake Pop Tower out of three different sized styrofoam blocks. Very easy. Adding ribbon to the edges makes it extra cute.
Since I am a really big LED lights fanatic, it was only a matter of time that I came up with the idea to put led stripes around the cake pop tower’s styrofoam blocks.
It looks so cool, it’s so stylish and thus perfect for parties, I tell you!

Now check this out:

Had to play around with the photos I’ve taken =)

Now, back to more options:
A very elegant idea is to use wooden cake pop stands.
Absolutely beautiful. By Sweet Lauren Cakes.
But you either have to find somebody who makes them for you, or you get your craft on and try by yourself. It is such a highlight!

Oh wait, I found somebody pretty amazing that can do the job:
Lovely KC Bakes offers amazing wooden cake pops stands!
From a “skinny mini” version that holds up 6 Cake Pops, up to the “mega” cake pop stand which holds up 50 Cake Pops! So awesome!

You can even get a custom design, just ask for a quote. (kcbakes AT hotmail DOT com)

Please visit her website/store or her facebook page for more information!
Btw, have you guys read my interview on KC Bakes Blog? Check it out here.

Another great and cheap idea is to simply put each cake pop in a cellophan bag and tie a ribbon around it. It is a little more time consuming to do that with hundreds of pops (I have been there before!), but it sure looks cute and special!

I have seen such a cool idea as well by Abigail Barnes on Paper And Cake!

She used three different sized plant pots and filled those with floral foam.
SO reminded me of my Polka Dot Tiered Planters I made last year. Awesome work, Abigail,
I know I will try this as well…not with flowers this time though =)

And last but not least I have a couple of more options for you, a little mixed up with notes though:

I am in love with these cute cupcake stands! Upside down cake pops look super cute on those!

You see, I told you: Many ways!
There is lots of inspiration on the net, especially Pinterest! Just be on the look-out whenever you are surfing the net, keep your eyes open for new inspiration and how other people display and show off their treats.

Please feel free to comment and to suggest other cool ideas how to display your cake pops
I will add it all to the list! I’d appreciate it.

Wishing everyone a great week, stay blessed.

About niner bakes

Hi I'm niner - I blog about cake pops, cupcakes & super healthy things: green smoothies, matcha, super foods & more! Welcome to my blog, I am thrilled you're here :)


  1. Oh wowwowow! You are leading us down the CakePop Yellow Brick Road! And at the end, instead of the Emerald City, is your amazing LED Cake Pop Gif! I saved it to my computer to see if it would perform, and it does, if I open it with an HTML browser. How did you do that? Did you 3 or 4 photos and put them on an endless loop? You are TOO clever!!!

    Back to the Cake Pops. Funny, just an hour ago, my niece Marilyn said to me: “Hey, I notice that we still have a lot of candy melts!” “Yes,” I replied, “that’s for the next time we make Cake Pops!” And then I open up the computer to read this great blog entry. Kismet. So I guess this weekend will be Cake Pop time again!

    (Speaking of stands, before I made my first Cake Pops I got two round, triple-layered stands from Sur La Table here in Berkeley. They aren’t special, but they’ll do… for now.)

    Congratulations again.

    P.S. Where did you post your graffiti? Just curious.

    • Hi Laura, this is SO sweet of you, thanks for commenting!!
      You are right, the animation is just an animated gif I made out of various photos I have taken from my led cake pop tower – had to hold quite still ;-)
      It’s great you will make cake pops again, this weekend even, lovely!

      It does not always have to be the best cake pop stand, once filled up with pops, almost any stand looks just gorgeous, don’t you agree.
      Wish you a great day, lady.


      p.s. I dont think I have any graffiti online – I might show you though, why not =)

  2. What awesome display ideas! I love seeing your posts, and am so happy to catch up with them because we had a snnnowww day today!! xo

  3. Hi there, just wondering if you use the styrofoam cake dummies? I recently went itnot a cake supply store to buy the cake dummies to make the tiered style holder and the lady told me the cake pops wouldn’t stick into the syrofoam???? Please help as I have a wedding to do in september and she wanted this stye of stand!

    • Hi Kyla,
      yes I do use styrofoam dummies.
      My experience is that some dummies are very hard, others are softer, I think you should buy one and try it out (they are not expensive at all).
      Hope these work for you.
      Many blessings,

  4. love everything on this website. awesome

  5. Hi there, there should be an unsubscribe button in the emails you receive from new comments. Please click unsubscribe and it should be ok :)
    Blessings, niner

  6. Hi my names Rosie, I am looking for some advice, have just started up a small business working from home making birthday cakes with edible photos, cup cakes and pop cakes. I don’t know where to start when it comes to selling and pricing my goods if anyone and help I would be grateful
    Thanks rosie

  7. Do you have an eagle and turtle cake pop design

  8. I need an idea to make cake pops for Mother’s Day

  9. I cant get my candy melts to melt all the way.
    either the melts become lumpy(i cant fix it with paramount crystals) or they become burned.
    what is happening and what can i do to fix it?

  10. WOW! U r amazing! Was wondering abt LED lights tower. Where can I buy LED lights from? (Toronto)
    How does it work? Do u need to plug it in? Lastly how do u stick to Styrofoam?

  11. Hi there! Came across your site while searching for ways to display cake pops in a CAKE. Your designs are amazing and creative! I do cakes as a hobby and am throwing a surprise engagement party for my bff in five days. A friend of mine has a cake pops business so she is doing 12 cake pops for the kids. I am doing a sheet cake as well as a two tier round cake. I am trying to figure out and idea as to how to put the cake pops around the round cake and coming out of the top of the cake. Not sure if I should put a foam disk on top of the cake or just the best way to execute this. I want it to be special! Thank you for your time

  12. Where did you get the led lights from??

  13. Hello, I want to display cake pops using my Christmas bowls. You mentioned all you need is craft sand. What about Epson salts? Is there any other alternative that is not foam? My bowls have are smaller on the top and wider on the bottom, which makes it hard to use anything else…. Thank you!

    • Hi Teresa,
      please excuse my late reply. I do not see a problem using Epson salts, I think this could work too. Have you tried it out for your cake pops last Christmas? I also use regular sanding sugar sometimes, so why not even salt? =)

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