February 21, 2025
New Year’s Tiredness? These Colorful Vanilla Chocolate Chip Cookies can help!

New Year’s Tiredness? These Colorful Vanilla Chocolate Chip Cookies can help!

Hi there,
I hope you have had a wonderful christmas celebration with all your loved ones!
I certainly had lots of fun!

New Years Eve is coming up!!
But what happens afterwards?
After New Years, a lot of people are very tired, cranky, the grey weather usually gets us and we tend to be in a bad mood. That’s why we need to get as much as color in our lives as possible, anything that makes us happy: Go for it!

I think today’s post is just perfect for any new years tiredness. I talk about chocolate chip cookies.
Yes, the best cookies on earth!

I have had this recipe since 1999, I was 13 years old back then! I was in the middle of a student exchange in Edmonton, Canada and after a horrible stay at someone else’s house I got “rescued” by a wonderful family which is now, my 2nd family. My mom from overseas, that’s how I call Brenda, she is the best cook to me! Brenda Wollenberg is a Registered Nutritional Consultant Practitioner and always knows what is good (or bad). She gave me quite a few awesome recipes but the chocolate chip cookie recipe is the one I made so so often. Many times a year, because it is such a hit, no matter where I serve these little sweeties!

This handwritten recipe by Brenda, this one single page, means so much to me – crazy.

You can trust me, this is a good and yummy recipe and so worth trying out.
I have to be honest, I haven’t tried many other chocolate chip cookie recipes the past 16 years =)

Originally it is a “Triple Chocolate Cookies” recipe, with chocolate chips and white chocolate. But I modified it a little bit because we need color in January and February! Plus: Vanilla Candy Melts are just so delicious!
The base though, is Brenda’s recipe and I absolutely love it!

  • Prep Time 5-10 minutes
  • Baking Time 10-11 minutes (350 degrees)
  • Difficulty Easy Peasy

For the Triple Chocolate Chip Cookies:

Additional Items you may want to get, makes a nice gift:

  • 1. Grind oatmeal and remove from processor.
  • 2. Cut your candy melts in small pieces with a knife.
  • 3. In a large bowl, beat together for 2-3 minutes: Butter, white sugar and brown sugar (handmixer or standmixer).
  • 4. Add and beat until well blended: Eggs, vanilla extract and dash of salt.
  • 5. Add and beat for another 2-3 minutes: White flour, whole wheat flour, baking soda, baking powder and oatmeal.
  • 6. Mix in the cut candy melts / or chocolate chips (whatever you prefer).
  • 7. Scoop spoonfuls unto lightly greased cookie pans or on parchment paper like I did, bake until set but still soft. Let the cookies rest on pan for another 3 minutes. Remove…and enjoy! =)
  • 9. Kitchen roll underneath the cookies are very helpful in order to absorb the excess fat.

As you can see…to the left, my moms darker and crunchier cookies, and to the right, my soft and chewy cookies =)

And this is what I usually do: Keeping dough (when I make the egg-less version of the cookie dough) and freeze it. So I can get it out for a movie etc. I love raw cookie dough…there are times where I do not even bake any cookies but keep the dough raw and invite some friends and just have a cookie dough movie night – or no friends, just me and the cookie dough…mhmmm yummy, I tell ya!

Will you try out the recipe? To me it is the ultimate chocolate chip recipe.

Hopefully your start of the new year will be full of joy, fun and bright colors.

Many blessings,

About niner bakes

Hi I'm niner - I blog about cake pops, cupcakes & super healthy things: green smoothies, matcha, super foods & more! Welcome to my blog, I am thrilled you're here :)


  1. Niner, these cookies look marvelous, and I can’t wait to try them!

    (I can well understand why that handwritten recipe means so much to you — in retrospect, it’s like it was a lodestar to your future as a consummate baker.)

    Gutes neues Jahr!


    • Hi Laura, happy new year to you too (it is not too late for wishing eachother a happy new year, is it?)
      Thanks for commenting, and yes that handwritten recipe means the world to me. And you are so right, who would have thought that I would bake for the public back then? =)
      Blessings, niner

  2. Hallo,

    gibt es auch eine Alternative zu den Candy Melts?


  3. Hallo Nina,

    Ich habe heute zum ersten Mal diese Cookies ausprobiert. Sie sind wirklich super lecker und sehr einfach zu machen. Am Liebsten hätte ich schon den Teig einfach so gegessen :-)
    Tolle Rezept. Danke!!!!!
    Viele Grüße

  4. Hi
    Wie werden die Cups umgerechnet in Gramm?
    Lg Flo

    • Hi there Flo!
      Ich habe das Rezept umgerechnet, schau doch nochmal in die Zutatenliste. Falls du noch die alte Liste siehst, lösch doch bitte dann deinen Cache im Browser.
      Alles Liebe und happy baking,

  5. Danke :) habe die Cookies schon einmal gebacken und dabei im Internet so ne Umrechnungstabelle gefunden. Alle waren begeistert von den Cookies :)

  6. Habe heute versucht die Cookies nachzubacken, aber irgendwas hab ich falsch gemacht!^^ Wollte nur die hälfte des Teiges machen und hab natürlich alles Zutaten halbiert! Mein Teig is aber viel zu weich geworden… habs schon beim kugeln formen gemerkt^^ naja und zum schluss hatte ich dann nen platten Kuchen aufm Backblech :D Aber schmecken tuts trotzdem :P

  7. Hallo,

    du schreibst oben, dass du den Teig einfrierst, wenn du die Version ohne Ei backst… Läßt du da einfach die Eier weg, oder kommt dann stattdessen was anderes rein?

    Tolle Rezepte und Anregungen hier! Schau gerne immer wieder vorbei!
    Weiter so!,!

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