March 4, 2025
Yummy, Oreo no-bake Cupcake Lollipops

Yummy, Oreo no-bake Cupcake Lollipops

Hi there and a happy 4th of July/Independence Day!! :D

How was your weekend, guys? Over here it was rainy, rainy, rainy…summer is really weird this year.
It used to be so hot in April and May, now it is kind of chilly. But it is getting better I hope and let’s be honest: Baking is just easier when it is not too hot and humid outside :-)

Anyway, I have something new to show you. I made Oreo Cupcake Pops last week. They turned out really cute I think and of course I want to share them with you.
You all now who first started these right? RIGHT, Bakerella. Go check out her fabulous website with all her fabulous work.

Read on to get the recipe and more photos as well.

  • Prep Time 20 minutes
  • Baking Time 10 minutes in refrigerator
  • Difficulty Easy

For the Cupcake Pops:

  • 1 package OREO cookies
  • 1 8oz. package cream cheese
  • Candy Melts- I used Merckens Candy Melts:
    – Peanut Butter Candy Melts
    – Red Candy Melts
  • Sprinkles, Skittles, for decorating top
  • Lollipop Sticks
  • Additional Items you may want to get:

  • Lollipop plastic covers
  • ribbon for tying

  • 1. Grind Oreo Cookies to fine crumbs in a food processor
  • 2. Put the crumbmix into a boal and hand mix with cream cheese.
  • 3. The dough should have a consistency of play-dough
  • 4. Roll dough into 1? balls, then refrigerate them for at least 10 minutes
  • 5. Now begin the shape of little cupcakes. Use a medium flower-shaped cookie cutter to do this.
  • 6. Take the ball and roll it into an oval shape and then push the ball into the cookie cutter.
  • 7. Push it in there until the ball fills half of the cookie cutter and the rest sticks out of the top.
  • 8. Now push the cupcake you just shaped out of the cookie cutter (start from the bottom), but carefully, with as less pressure as possible.
  • 9. Now place it on a baking sheet that is covered with wax paper.
  • 10. Then shape the remaining balls into cupcake shapes.
  • 11. When every ball is shaped, put them all into the freezer for another 5-10 minutes to firm up again.
  • 12. Now melt your candy wafers. I chose peanut butter brown for the bottom, red for the tops.
  • 13. When you are finished, remove the cupcake balls from your freezer and organize a new wax paper covered baking sheet.
  • 14. Dip the bottoms of the cupcake shapes into the melted peanut butter chocolate, up to where the mounded shape starts.
  • 15. Now remove the cupcake ball from the chocolate, turn it upside down, and wriggle so the excess slides down. Then lay the cupcake shape on the wax paper, upside down and remain with the rest of the cupcake shapes. Then let them all dry completely, for approx. 20 minutes.
  • 16. Now it is time to dip the tops of the cupcake shapes in your red melted merckens candy melts (yummy vanilla flavor). You can also move it around a little bit.
  • 17. Now place a skittle or m&m on the top of the cupcake pop and add sprinkles to decorate. Let them all dry in a styrofoam block.
  • 18. To give them away, for a birthday or something, you can cover the cupcake lollipops with small plastic bags, and tie them with a ribbon. Makes a nice gift :-)
  • 19. And now: Have fun decorating and enjoy these cute Cupcake Lollipops :-)

My Merckens Candy Melts, I always shop them at The Cake Decorating Company.

Now off to a couple of more pictures.

You going to try these?
Many blessings and a good start into the week,
niner :-)

About niner bakes

Hi I'm niner - I blog about cake pops, cupcakes & super healthy things: green smoothies, matcha, super foods & more! Welcome to my blog, I am thrilled you're here :)


  1. Oh, these look so yummy- oreos in cake pop style – nom nom nom! I’d like to have some for breakfast right now. =)
    Neat to see the buildings in the background too b.t.w.
    Thanks for sharing Niner! xo

  2. Oh, these look so yummy- oreos in cake pop style – nom nom nom! I’d like to have some for breakfast right now. =)
    Neat to see the buildings in the background too b.t.w.
    Thanks for sharing Niner! xo

  3. Same to you! happy 4th of July as well! This cupcake pops are really inviting! Want to make one of this for my kids. Thanks for sharing your wonderful cupcake ideas.

  4. Same to you! happy 4th of July as well! This cupcake pops are really inviting! Want to make one of this for my kids. Thanks for sharing your wonderful cupcake ideas.

  5. What a beautiful post! Thanks for sharing.

  6. What a beautiful post! Thanks for sharing.

  7. So cutttteee :) and oreos too! yumm. bakerella is a complete goddess is she not!

  8. So cutttteee :) and oreos too! yumm. bakerella is a complete goddess is she not!

  9. Hi! These look great! I was wondering, what size package of Oreo’s were used for your recipe? Thanks!

  10. Hi! These look great! I was wondering, what size package of Oreo’s were used for your recipe? Thanks!

  11. Thanks for the sweet comments, everyone.

    In Canada/USA the Oreo packages are much bigger, I used 4 packages á 265g. It all depends too, if you do not want to make that many Cake Pops, just use less oreos, and less cream cheese. The best way is to add a little bit of cream cheese one at a time, until you have the right consistency.
    I hope I could help you? I will post a tutorial soon, so stay tuned ok?



  12. Thanks for the sweet comments, everyone.

    In Canada/USA the Oreo packages are much bigger, I used 4 packages á 265g. It all depends too, if you do not want to make that many Cake Pops, just use less oreos, and less cream cheese. The best way is to add a little bit of cream cheese one at a time, until you have the right consistency.
    I hope I could help you? I will post a tutorial soon, so stay tuned ok?



  13. Those are so awesome! They look really tasty! Thanks for sharing the recipe!

  14. Those are so awesome! They look really tasty! Thanks for sharing the recipe!

  15. Looks great!
    How big a pack of Oreos do you use? 16 oz?

    • Hi Sanne, I used 4-5 packages 167g Oreo packages. (They dont have bigger ones out here in Germany). That is like 28-31 oz.
      You can start with a 16oz package though, just make sure not to put in too much creamcheese, one bit at a time, so you will reach the right consistency.
      Hope I could help :-)

  16. Looks great!
    How big a pack of Oreos do you use? 16 oz?

    • Hi Sanne, I used 4-5 packages 167g Oreo packages. (They dont have bigger ones out here in Germany). That is like 28-31 oz.
      You can start with a 16oz package though, just make sure not to put in too much creamcheese, one bit at a time, so you will reach the right consistency.
      Hope I could help :-)

  17. Really great and detailled recipe. I hope you enjoyed July 4th!
    Best regards

  18. Great idea!! am just curious when we crumble the oreos in the processor do we remove the filling or we mix it all together??

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