March 12, 2025
Happy Faces guaranteed! How to make Smiley Cake Pops

Happy Faces guaranteed! How to make Smiley Cake Pops

Happy Monday everyone!

Spring is here and to celebrate it I have some happy little fellas for you on the blog today.
The classic: Smiley Cake Pops!
They were first made by Angie Dudley, Bakerella that is! If you don’t know her, well, you should, since she invented this whole cake pop phenomenon!
Make sure to check her blog out…now…quiiick!

These cuties bring smiles to everyone’s face and the cool thing about them is: They are so easy to make!
My dear friend Anja loved them, I made those for her birthday.

I wrote a detailed tutorial for you guys with many photos, so even cake pop newbies can make them without any problems.

Isn’t he cute? They make me happy just looking at them!

Let’s get started, ladies and gents.

  • Prep Time 20 minutes
  • Baking Time 10 minutes in freezer / 30min in refrigerator
  • Difficulty Easy

For the Cake Pops:

  • Prepare yourself before you actually start.
    Get everything out on the counter you need, so you do not stress yourself in the middle of the decorating process.
  • 1. Now, make the NO BAKE Cake Pops: Grind your Oreo cookies to fine crumbs in a food processor
  • 2. Put the crumbmix into a boal and hand mix with cream cheese, add it bit by bit. I use disposable gloves, because it gets messy. Especially when you have longer nails, when you have kids, I am sure they would love to help you with this step.
  • 3. Keep in mind that the dough should have the consistency of play-dough.
  • 4. Roll the dough into 1″ balls or weigh them, which I recommend (20g), then refrigerate them for at least 30 minutes to firm up, or put them in the freezer for 15 minutes.
  • 5. Now melt your candy wafers in your microwave in 30 seconds intervals.
  • 6. Dip a little bit of the lollipop stick in the melted candy, then stick the lollipop stick in the Cake Pop (half way and put the pops back in the refrigerator to firm up so the chocolate can set inside the cake pops. (Especially in summer!)
  • 7. Now take your cake pop and dip it in the melted candy melts. Shake off any excess chocolate.
  • 8. Repeat this step with all cake pops, put them in a styrofoam block to let them dry completely.
  • 9. When completely dry, you can start to paint faces on your yellow cake pops – be creative.
  • 10. Have fun decorating and enjoy your Cake Pops and maybe give some away? Happy faces guaranteed!

And you’re done!

No matter how bad your mood is…this is serious sweet medicine right here.

Have fun making these!
Happy niner

About niner bakes

Hi I'm niner - I blog about cake pops, cupcakes & super healthy things: green smoothies, matcha, super foods & more! Welcome to my blog, I am thrilled you're here :)


  1. Which candy melts did you use? The last time I tried using candy melts, they turned out goupy.
    These cake pops are adorable!

  2. hey these just scream HAPPY! so much so i’d love to make your pic my desktop background-heehee :)
    thanks Niner! :)

  3. Cute and simple, the perfect combo! Plus, who doesn’t love a no-bake treat!

  4. Super cute, and truly guaranteed to make me smile!!

    Such a great, detailed tutorial, thanks!!


  5. These are absolutely adorable! Love that bright yellow color!

  6. Hey Nina, only recently discovered your Blog via Dulce Sentimiento.. and I love it! Your cake pops are super cute and you could be the Bakerella of Europe.. haha!

    Love the Tutorial!!

    I´ll definitely be checking in on a regular basis!

    Greetings from Gran Canaria, Spain!


    • Johlene, what a wonderful comment, thank you SO much!
      Its great you like what I do :)
      I wish I could be in Gran Canaria right now, I bet the weather is MUCH better than Germany at the moment.
      Wishing you a great day and hope to see you here again.

  7. Hallo, ich habe mir jetzt schon etliche Foodcolorstife gekauft, aber leider funktionieren alle nicht wirklich.
    Jetzt habe ich auf Amerikanischen Blogs auch schon oft von diesem Americolor Gourmet Writer gehört, gibt es die in Deutschland/Österreich igendwo zu kaufen?


  8. These are cute… I just want to ask…when I make this, where do I store it? and until when I can eat it? i want to do it for my son’s bday party but i dont know when to make it that will still be good when the kids eat it.

    Thanks :)

  9. Hi, we dnt get cream cheese here, can u please tell me the substitute?

  10. Wow!! Die sehen ja super aus!!
    Benutzt du einfach Frischkäse zum mischen? Oder versteh ich es falsch ;)
    Liebe Grüße

  11. Hi I really liked ur recipe of these super different pop up cakes but I jus nee to know is there any alternative instead of ream cheese coz its not available here. It will be really helpful if u could suggest another one so tat I could try these amazing pop up cakes of urz..


  12. Ich habe mich nie an Cakepops rangetraut, aber dank deines easy peasy Rezepts werde ich das nun machen. Die Base kann man ja nicht nur für die Smiley-Cakepops nehmen, sondern auch für andere, was ich echt super finde, denn das vorherige Kuchenbacken und dann in Cakepop-Teig umwandeln hat mich bisher immer abgeschreckt.

  13. hi Niner :)

    kannst du mir vielleicht sagen wo du die farbstifte her hast ? wäre lieb :))

  14. Hi Niner!

    Du hast hier sooo eine tolle Seite, ich kann gar nicht mehr aufhören zu lesen… Vielen, vielen Dank für all die genialen Tipps und die Step-by-Step Anleitungen. Total genial.

    Habe bisher immer einen Bogen um Cake Pops gemacht, weil ich mich nicht so recht rangetraut habe, aber diese tollen Smiley Pops hier *MUSSTE* ich einfach ausprobieren. Und dank deines Trouble-shoots hat auch nach zwei, drei Versuchen alles ganz toll geklappt. Sie waren so schnell weg, dass ich nur drei von ihnen schnell für ein Foto retten konnte.
    Die gibts ab jetzt öfter. :-)

    Ganz liebe Grüße,

    • Liebe Jenny,
      ach wie lieb von dir, solch ein tolles Feedback geht runter wie Öl..Danke!
      Auf meiner Facebook Seite habe ich ein Blogleser Fotoalbum; sende mir doch mal Fotos, wenn du Dinge aus meinem Blog ausprobiert hast :)
      Alles Liebe,

  15. Hi Niner, cute cakepops! How do you make the coating so smooth? Thanks!

  16. Hi Niner – just looking into making cake pops for first time and yours always look awesome! Being a novice i see the videos of cakepops with icing swirled over them from piping bags etc but what type of icing is that?! I know candy melts for coating. Is it different icing for piping? Thanks

  17. Hey,
    kannst du mir sagen, wie viele Cake Pops dieses Rezept ergibt?
    Danke :)

  18. Hi niner _ iwant to ask about the candy melts it’s white chocolet ?

  19. Hi Niner!

    How do you store your cakepops? In the fridge? On the counter? LOVE your blog!! Thank you for all of the amazing recipes!



  20. Kann ich auch statt Philadelphia Nutella nehmen und wieviele eis becher bekommt man raus

  21. Hello! What a great and simple recipe! Mine turned out awesome! What brand edible marker did you use for the faces? I tried Wilton’s edible markers & the felt tip/edible ink didn’t write as pretty as yours in the picture because the pops are a tad moist from being cold..thanks again!

    • Hi Joy, I used the Edbile Ink Markers from Americolor.
      They do not work always either, but are the best ones I have tried so far.
      Happy Cake Poppin’ to you :)))

  22. Guten Morgen!

    Ich habe Fragen für Sie! Can I use white chocolate chips instead of candy melts? Also, if I have a BabyCakes Cake Pop machine will it still work with the methods you demonstrate for your Wedding Cake Cake pops? :)


  23. Hi
    I want to make this for my daughters birthday. Can I make it the day before? And how do I store it?
    Much Appreciated


  24. OMG!!! you are a lifesaver on cake pops, well that’s all I’ve tried so far. I was complimented by everyone at my daughter’s party for the Oreo cake pops. This is the second time I tried and was a success. thank you so much and I look forward making more of your recipes.

  25. Hi niner
    These look so yummy!!!!!! I am going to make these pops for my daughter’s birthday party and was wondering if there is a substitute for cream cheese because she absolutely despises it!!!! Please help the party is only in a few weeks!!!!! :o

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